Sacred Friendship


Dear Friends,


This past week I felt blessed by celebrating Mothers Day with my beautiful family. I also feel deep gratitude for the many friends in my life! Last week Steve and I drove up to Newport Beach to spend the day with a “teacher buddy” of mine and her husband. We had so much fun not only reminiscing, but talking about so many subjects we all were interested in!

I also had lunch with two Interfaith girl friends and I am planning to spend time with some other teacher friends later this summer. I just have an enormous sense of gratitude for all the friends in my life now. Some live close by and others live far away. I am grateful for the pictures and zoom calls with friends far across the country. Family and friends are sacred, we cannot do without them!


I love the quote above by Eleanor Roosevelt. Friends do leave footprints on

our hearts. What if we viewed everyone as a friend or a potential friend. I love the idea that everyone I meet is potentially “my friend.” I believe everyone we know or have known has come into our lives for a reason and/or a season.

Each person is here to help us move forward in our spiritual growth and to learn how to give and be Divine Love.


I consider our labyrinth walkers my friends, even though some I had just met. We shared the “walk,” we shared our “experiences,” we “trusted” each other for a moment in time. We all felt the power of the day, the power of the walk spreading love, peace and joy around the world! Do we know the people on the other side of the world in different time zones walking? Maybe not, however in our ONENESS we really are friends, we really are ONE family walking together.


In essence all my friends, are my family. All those I do not know are my potential friends and my family. Interesting concept to think we have family members we do not even know. So this week wherever you are or whatever you are doing SEE each person as a friend and family member in life.

Your perspective of that person in the elevator, inline at the post office or supermarket will shift from seeing them as “invisible” to being a member of God’s human family, your brother, your sister, your friend.


Smile and say Hi.


We love you friends,

Abigail and Steve