Say YES to Your Creative Urge






Dear Friends,
Have you ever had a thought that keeps nagging you, pushing you, or pulling you? That thought is the Divine seeking your attention! Did you listen?
Did you follow through?

“We believe in the direct revelation of TRUTH through the intuitive and Spiritual nature of the individual and that any person may become a Revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.”
Ernest Holmes

We know we are Spiritual Beings, which means the Intelligence, Wisdom, Joy and Creativity of God is inherent within us. There is a pattern of YOU in the Invisible. You are One with the Creative Genius. You are as much a part of IT
as the sun, the earth and the air.

God, the Creative Principle is always seeking to express though you.
Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings said in the Science of Mind Magazine:
“As humans, we diversify the Divine Life. We are here to be somebody who has never been, doing things that have never been done, entertaining new thoughts and paradoxically, expanding the reach of the consciousness of the Infinite One containing us.”

When we say YES to that nagging, pushing, and/or pulling idea, we surrender to GOD allowing our Divine potential and purpose come ALIVE in our lives.
We say YES to our next DIVINE assignment.

Whatever is nagging, pushing or pulling is the deep calling of your soul.
You really DO want to do it! So say YES to this Creative Urge and enjoy the beautiful and exciting ride you will have!!!
God has no limits and neither do you!

Always Saying YES,
Abigail and Steve