Dear Friends,
“Michelangelo said, ‘Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to find it.’ You and I have a divine spark within us, and it is our task to find it and live it.” (Ron Fox, Feb. Science of Mind Magazine)
I love these quotes because they are the truth of my being and your being. Being created out of God means God is inherently within us. Sometimes we forget our Divine Selves when we are in the midst of heartache, loss, work, family or health challenges. God never goes away, we just may not be in a place to hear or listen to the wisdom within. We know there is a deep calm and peace at the very center of a hurricane or tornado. We must always remember God, our peace and calm, is always at the center of us no matter what is taking place in our lives.
Ernest Holmes said, “No man goes unguided through life for we are all divine at the center and all are images, of the most high. Spirit is always available to guide us, but we must listen for the guidance.” (Feb. SoM)
We know this truth for ourselves and, although it may be challenging, we can know this truth for others. When someone is hurtful, outrageous, appears ignorant or uncouth, can we see the ANGEL in him or her? Can we see the God Divine in this person? Can we know the Truth about this person? I believe when we look for the angel, when we call forth the angel in our minds and hearts, it is heard and acted upon.
As a retired teacher I know for a fact the most unruly children are also God’s Angels. I only had to draw out the angel by stating words such as;
I love how you are working.
I love how you are careful.
I love how smart you are.
I love how you are kind to others.
The more the child HEARD these words, the more the child BECAME these words. One little challenging girl I had in Kindergarten would come back to me, when she was in 1st grade during recess, and say, “I wish I still had you for my teacher.” Today I can imagine she is probably a CEO at the head of some big organization. She had all the potential, and yet had to learn
to work and play with others.
In our work-a-day world we may not be able to speak angelic words out loud, however we can most certainly THINK them. Thoughts are prayers and heard on a subconscious level.
So today, SEE the ANGEL in each person. Tell them (thought, word, deed) how Divine, Gracious and Good they are. Enjoy the results.
Loving the Angel in You,
Abigail and Steve