See Your Vision

Dear Friends,
Two quotes I want to share with you from Dr. Ernest Holmes in the October ‘Science of Mind’ magazine.
“As we listen to the divine wisdom within, we receive inspiration and guidance.
As we speak our word, think our thoughts or make our affirmations with complete conviction, we discover that we are using a power that actually IS and that actually DOES RESPOND to us. The Spirit within us is God, the infinite Source of our intelligence and wisdom and creative power.
“Deeper than our mind is the Spirit…  From this universal reservoir a power passes through our minds into action. When the mind is peaceful and still, it catches a vision of this greater good.  While the mind is in turmoil and combat, 
it cannot receive an image beyond the limiting circle of the small measure it has been treading around.”
What wisdom or guidance are you seeking today? Know God, Spirit always listens to you and responds to you.  How convinced are you, Spirit is acting upon your thoughts, words and feelings?
Be conscious in your own mind of your traveling thoughts, moods, angers
or angst.  Then…
Be still, peaceful, calm in quiet prayer and meditation to shut out the turmoil in the world for just a few moments.
Be clear in mind so as to receive guidance, purpose and truth.
Be a Visionary for the new world.
This world is going through a complete REBOOT and will never be the same again.
What is it you wish to be in the world after the REBOOT?
What is is you wish to do after the REBOOT.
What world do you wish to live in?
Remember our ultimate goal is LOVE.  Can we love everyone and everything?
What would our world look like if LOVE was the force and energy behind all actions and purposes?
What would our government look like?
What would the leaders  & governments of the world look like?
How would we take care of all humanity, animals  and Mother Earth for the greatest good?
Those are the visions we need to keep in our conscious mind and affirm with words and feelings everyday.  We have the God power within us to change and make changes. Let us use this creative power wisely for the good of all.