Slow Down and Appreciate Each Other






Dear Friends,

Like many of you, we are preparing for Christmas. We just had a beautiful “present” delivered. Our sweet new granddaughter Bailey arrived November 30th. Our excitement for her and our taking care of Peyton while mom, dad and sister are in the hospital was beautiful. It really reminded me how Spirit is in each one of us when we come into this earth dimension. That same Spirit was in Jesus the Christ as we celebrate his coming this month. Spirit, God, the Mighty I AM, however you wish to call our Source and Creator lives and reigns in everyone and all things. I believe this is so important to remember as we prepare for the holidays, which are really HOLY Days.


I tend to pursue these days boldly and actively, shopping for the “right” gifts for family and friends. I love the lights, I love the decorations. I can easily get caught up in the hustle bustle of the season. Then I read this message in an ANTN newsletter from a friend, Rev. Michele Whittington. She said ” What if we all slowed down a bit this December? What if we cut back on all the things we think we should do and only do those things that our hearts call us to do? What if we focused on what really matters, not what our programming (or the media) has told us matters?” Pondering her words, I realize that LOVE matters, family matters, good friends matter, people on the street matter, patients in hospitals matter and more….

The ‘Daily Word’ had a story about a minister, Rev. Bonte Colbert who was alone for Christmas during the COVID shutdown in 2020. She was feeling a bit sorry for herself, since she could not fly to be with family. Bonte then remembered years ago she was driving with her daughter to look at Christmas lights in neighborhoods. Her daughter said she wanted to go somewhere else and directed Rev. Bonte to a quiet, dark, parking lot outside a hospital. She said, “Mom, people need prayers tonight, let’s pray for them.” And they did. Bonte remembered that evening years ago, and decided to stop feeling sorry for herself. She drove to the nearest hospital and just prayed for the “well being, peace, joy and love” for all the people there. In fact that became a new tradition for her every year.

In this Holy time for those celebrating Christmas, take time to appreciate what you have, who you are as a God being, & how you serve as an emissary of God.

Take time to pray for those not as happy, healthy or fortunate as yourself.The world needs your words of love and blessings, Send them out daily.

Slowing Down and Praying for All,

Abigail and Steve