Slow Down and BE

yellow-butterfly-garry-gaySimplify, slow down, be kind.
And don’t forget to have art in your life – music,
paintings, theater, dance,and sunsets.
– Eric Carle

We are taking care of our “granddoggie” for a couple days and she always helps me remember to SLOW Down, and enjoy the moment.  Zoe is a puggle, 1/2 pug and 1/2 beagle. She definitely has a beagle nose and  absolutely MUST stop and sniff every little leaf, tree, bush, pebble, blade of grass on our walks. YES, we do  slow down……
On one  walk we saw a small garden snake in the grass, and a road runner trotting across the road.  The whole day was “remembering” to stop and slow down, and take my time.  I stopped to say hi to a neighbor and then saw a small coyote cross the street. I walked the labyrinth slower than usual and noticed a yellow butterfly almost land on me. I also saw a  beautiful spider web between the bushes. In the grocery store I was behind an elderly gentleman around age 90 who needed more time with his payment and groceries.  The clerk apologized to me later saying she was sorry I had to wait, and I said,  “We will all get there someday, so no problem ” The clerk said, “I hope someone will be kind to me at that age.”
There are so many heart felt moments when we take more time to just slow down and  BE.  Everything can wait, but magical moments come and go quickly.
Watch for them, experience them, and stay in that moment just a little longer.  You will be glad you did.