Stand Firm in Your Prayers






Dear Friends,

I love the quote above. We know water, in its gentle easy flow and in its fast and furious pace, will in time change rocks, mountains, and the earth’s surface. With erosion, the ground around a river changes. The ocean waves change the seashore. Water is persistent, never failing to know its purpose.

I believe prayer is like water. The continuous prayers we say, no matter how hard or resistant a situation or person is, will change the outcome. We must never lose hope or give up on our prayers and affirmations for the world, for ourselves, family, friends and others. The human condition is inherently resistant to change of any kind, yet change is a given. We may not see results of our prayers, however outcomes are always in the NOW of Spirit. We must trust the Divine Timing and Outcome of God. At the end of our prayer treatment we always say, “This or something better.” We, from our point of view, may not have access to the BIG picture, however God does. Once a prayer is said or an affirmation made, the mold is formed and what ever action needs to take place is doing so and flowing behind the scenes.

Prayer is also like a theater production. Before the audience sees the end result on stage, the writer must come up with an idea, propose the idea to producers, find the right director, actors, musicians, and then practice the performance. Your prayers, visioning the outcome, and keeping the desire in mind, helps to continue all the action behind the scenes.

Stand firm in your prayers. Don’t give up. Know God has already set in motion, like water, to create the highest and best outcome for all involved.
“Waiting is not God’s denial.” – Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith
“Sometimes a prayer takes time to manifest, and sometimes the universe has a slower pace than you or I.” – Deborah Perdue, RScP
“Hold steadfastly to the thought that all of life is in a state of eternal flow.” Dr. Ernest Holmes
( Quotes from the Science of Mind May Magazine)

Be prayerfully patient and know God works everything together
for Good!





Abigail and Steve