Dear Friends,
School is in session for another year. Children and parents are making choices whether to attend school in person,be home schooled or a combination of both. Whatever they decide still creates a new learning environment with new skills,abilities and possibilities. We as adults are always invited to learn new skills, foster creative talents, fine tune abilities and be open for new opportunities and possibilities. In fact every day we make a choice to grow and learn or stay stagnate where we are.
Maybe it is a challenge to think one, two or five years ahead. However we can think about today, tomorrow and even next week.
Everyday we have a choice to BE our Divine selves and DO our Divine Directive.

It only takes a moment to STOP, LOOK/LISTEN & GO,
just like children need to be taught to cross the street.
They need to stop where they are, look/listen for traffic, then when it is safe, they can go. We as adults need to be tuned into God and our GO signal
for clear direction. The only way we can do that is:
STOP – When there is a challenge or when you are unclear on an issue, and/or need direction in life, it is time to STOP.
Sit quietly, allow all the “have to’s, worries, and anxieties dissipate. Close your eyes or look at a beautiful view. Focus on gentle breathing.
Take a moment and just sit in your spiritual essence.
LOOK/LISTEN – Spirit, who you are, is always nudging you one way or another. You may have a picture or a thought enter your mind and heart.
Try not to second guess what comes up. Spirit within is trying to get your attention to guide you and bring the answers you need and where you
are to go.
GO There will be an inner knowing and an aha moment when you know what to do. Follow your Divine Guidance and Divine Intuition.

Taking a Moment,