Thank you God







Dear Friends,

The best prayer there is, is “Thank you GOD.” As I mentioned in last week’s newsletter, when we give thanks for everything, the energy about every situation (Good or Not Good) changes. Vibrations are higher and Conscious answers become clear.

This week let us recognize and give thanks for ALL the opportunities, situations, events that we did not pray for and happened anyway. Many of us have had those turning points in life where God gifted us a NEW path or NEW way of being. We may not have prayed for it, however Spirit showed up as a thought, a whisper, a word, a push, a pull, or a delay.

A major turning point in my life was when I ‘told’ God, at a stop sign, I would never step into a church again. I was tired of church hopping. I was absolutely done! Then I got a postcard in the mail the following week with an invitation to attend a “Reincarnation” workshop. I was fascinated, so I went. The workshop was in a Religious Science Church in Newport Beach, CA. I loved the workshop so I decided to give Sunday Service a try.
Well needless to say, that was a major turning point in my life and I went on to become a New Thought minister.

Another major turning point in my life where I did not vision, pray for, or actively seek out, was when I was reading the local paper and a news item inviting people to join the Bahai’s to plan their World Religion Day in January 2004. I looked at Steve and said, “What’s a Baha’i?” Out of curiosity we went to their meeting. We came away with the absolute feeling that we wanted to participate and so I was invited to speak on the interfaith panel, as a New Thought minister.
That turning point led us to help found the Poway (POINT) Interfaith Team.

There are just times in our lives where we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt (even if it is hindsight) there is a GREATER DIVINE PLAN for each of us. We are continually guided. We must be continually aware and open to the NEW and the wonderful beyond what we imagine or ask for.

The direction you took at your turning points led you to where you are today. You would not be reading this newsletter now, if everything in your life hadn’t been exactly as it was. There are no mistakes made, only lessons to be learned. God is continually guiding us.
Trust – Listen – Act.

Let us say Thank you GOD at the Thanksgiving Table for ALL we prayed for, and ALL we did not pray for. Let us recognize our life as whole and complete and in a Great Divine Plan to move us forward in purpose and Consciousness.

Thankful for All,

Abigail and Steve