Dear Friends,

I want to share a beautiful Thanksgiving poem written
by our good friend Rev. Hal Lingerman.

The Lighthouse Prayer

May the cleansing currents of Your Holy Presence enter my heart
and energize all my atoms.

In You I now let every particle of my being gleam like a glowing sun.

Like a blazing lighthouse, I spread Your light to all travelers on the ocean
of life.

And fellow pilgrim, may you, too, shine forth the Light in you:
let it be clear and luminous.

May you stream bright rays of peace and blessing continuously to all beings.

Together, let us now extend the glow of lovingkindness
to everyone – a welcoming to those close to us and in distances far away.

Let us offer glistening rays of forgiveness, reconciliation and wellbeing,
especially to ones who may be suffering.

Like a guiding lighthouse, we now broadcast beacons of good will
and safe harbor to protect all individuals and kingdoms of nature.

We express deep thanksgiving for all the gifts of Grace filling our life.

With His Company of heaven we receive anew Christ’s golden heart
igniting our Goodness as heralding Angels kindle us in Radiance.

Awakened in wonder now, let us find new joy in sharing holy Light.

Behold the eternal flame in each of us, expanding in beauty burning bright.

Let glad tidings sound ! A new music now inspires Earth to heavenly heights.


May you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving