This is the Day the Lord Has Made…. Be Present in it

Dear Friends,

I was preparing to sit in my favorite meditation chair and begin my morning spiritual practice, when I realized my mind was filled with swarming thoughts about the…

Past.                                                                                                                                   I should have taken a picture of the POINT meeting.                                                          I should have responded to a particular email, especially when the person shows up for the POINT meeting.                                                                                               I shoulda, I shoulda, I shoulda…

Future                                                                                                                                    I have so much to do later today.                                                                                      I have to get things ready for October events, meetings and travel.                                   I have to make another list…etc.                                                                                        I have to, I have to, I have to…

Does this happen to you? I am sure it does. Of course God in Its Infinite Wisdom directed me to a daily passage in the Science of Mind magazine.

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear-are caused by too much future and not enough present. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievance, sadness, bitterness and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough present” Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now.

I AFFIRM: Today, this moment in time, the PRESENT is a GIFT. I put my Trust and Faith in the Divine Presence. The Divine PRESENCE of God is taking care of the future ;and all unfolds easily. God, the Divine PRESENCE loves and forgives my past. The Divine Presence, is my Present, my Gift now and Divinely guides me. The NOW moment is my only moment. It is only in the NOW moment I can make choices. Today I choose God to handle it all, past, present and future.

Remember when your life gets hectic, bring your attention back to the NOW moment, the only moment and present that counts. Focus on the GOD PRESENCE and feel the peace that flows over, in and through your body. Notice the sounds, the scents, the beauty of where you are now. Gently love yourself and KNOW in this peaceful moment all answers are available, all future events are now Divinely Orchestrated, all past is the past. The only moment that counts is the moment with the PRESENCE of God, the Gift of Spirit.

I love to say, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”  (Psalm 118:24)

Living in the Moment,

Abigail and Steve