Thoughts of LIGHT and LOVE


Dear Friends,
There are people who just make us smile, and we LIGHT up when they are around us. Steve and I have had many LIGHTS come into our lives and we are grateful.
Just the other day we went to one of our favorite restaurants hoping to see a favorite server with the intent to say one last goodbye, and gift her one of
Steve’s books. She had told us previously she was leaving by May 1st because she would be in training to be a flight attendant. We were so happy for her and
yet knew we would miss her. She was a LIGHT in that restaurant, always meeting customers with a smile and a kind word. When we got to the restaurant one of the
servers said she was not working that evening and had probably already left for her new job. Needless to say, we were disappointed. However we asked our server
to please leave the book with the owner (who we know) hoping he can get the book to her. At some point during our dinner, our favorite server made an appearance
and came directly to our table. We all hugged and talked about her next life journey. We even exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch. I believe this
synchronistic event of her showing up and us wanting to see her was not a coincidence.

How would she know we wanted to see her that evening?
In Pam Grout’s book E2 she says, “Bell’s Theorem states, There are no isolated systems; every particle in the universe is in instantaneous communication with every
other particle.” “Edward Lorenz introduced The Butterfly Effect, where an insignificant event can set off momentous consequences.” In other words our thoughts and
intentions go out into the Law of Mind, the Universe, and is acted upon immediately. I believe our thoughts of wanting to see this server was “picked up” by her
consciousness and she decided to go into the restaurant that night.

We must know as individuals how important our thoughts, intentions and words are. Whether we are thinking them or saying them
out loud, our words are being picked up by everyone, not just the people our words are directed to. And, because there is the Law of Circulation in the Universe,
our words, thoughts and intentions come back to us! We are all Interconnected!
Pam Grout says, “Your thought about other people change you, because we are all in this together, as ONE HUMANITY. Every time we judge or think anything less than
kind and charitable thoughts, we inflict self pain. You can change your relationship with anyone by simply sending them good thoughts.”

Back to LIGHT. This server was a LIGHT who always had a good word to say. Now it is time to reflect on YOUR LIGHT.
When you step into a room, a store, a restaurant, or at home, have a conscious thought to be a LIGHT. Be God doing God’s work with words of gratitude
and blessings. Be the one to encourage, listen, smile, support, without judgement or opinion.

Be the LIGHT in your life by:
L Loving yourself and Listening to your God Self.
Loving and Listening, encouraging and supporting others.

I Illuminating and Inspiring others to be and do their best and follow their Intuition.

G Knowing GOD is Guiding your friends, family and all people to their
perfect, right and true place in life.

H Helping to support and show your Happiness for their next adventure.

T Taking Time to Tell others how much you appreciate and love them.

Remember WORDS & THOUGHTS are THINGS and always acted upon in the Universe. The LIGHT you SEND OUT will return to you and bless you.

Sending you Thoughts of LIGHT and LOVE,
Abigail and Steve