Treat Our Children Well

Dear Friends,
Jesus the Christ said, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
(Matthew 25:40)New International Version)
In these times of government separating children and families, we each need to look into our hearts and decide how we want to show up in the world. We know we are all on a spiritual journey whether we know it or not. It does not matter whether we are Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, a different color or faith. What does matter is how we treat our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters of all ages. I believe the only thing we are required to do to move forward in spiritual transformation is to LOVE and to put LOVE in Action. We must care about the welfare of others regardless of race, customs, country or faith. Children behind cages is the opposite of LOVE. How can we treat our young ones like that? How can we allow our government do this? No man is an island. How we treat our immigrant brothers and sisters will boomerang back to us. It is the Law of Karma, the Law of Reciprocity. What we do will always come back to us in greater force. Not allowing people to come into our country seeking asylum from gang/cartel violence and threats to their lives is like turning them away from an island sanctuary back to the sea of sharks. It brings back the horror of turning away ships escaping Nazi Germany. The people on board were forced to return and were ultimately killed.
“Do unto others, what you would have others do unto you.”
“Do unto others as they would want done to them”
Where did we stop living and teaching the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule?
Time to refresh our conscience and consciousness.
Let us treat our children well. All children of All ages are All our responsibility.
Loving Actively,