Dear Friends,
Last week I shared how we had a hot water pipe leak.
Reading these words below from last week I have to update you on our progress.
“I realized no matter how hard I pushed, the more resistance I got. I finally had to LET GO and LET GOD bring us the right and true plumber, and in the meantime, I remained GRATEFUL for just the way things are.
The good news is, God did bring us the right plumber company, a mitigation company and the work is in process.!!!”
Since then we were assigned three different plumbing companies on different days to do the work. It was like revolving plumbers. Just when we thought we had a plumber (as I thought we had), another one called to come out and assess the leak.
Luckily we still had a great mitigator and finally Thursday, Jan.23 of last week we were assigned the original plumber (1st out of 4), Jan. 24 to reassess the water leak. Also on the day, the field insurance agent would be at our house assessing the situation.
Friday morning came, and I knew my morning meditation and prayer time was essential for a Divinely Ordered Day. I love to write out my prayers and they always work! It was a heartfelt and loving prayer. In a nut shell after affirming GOD as all there is and within me and within all people today coming through our house. I called forth Divine Timing and Let Go and Let God be God as Love in each person knowing the Highest Good was happening NOW!
I read in the January Science of Mind magazine these words by
Meister Eckhart,
“God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by process of subtraction.”
As I breathed in deeply and settled in quietude I felt my fear of saying the wrong words or worry the insurance wouldn’t cover the repairs of the job. I had to subtract that layer of ego and BE the peace of God, the knowingness of God, the love of God that passes all understanding.
Ernest Holmes said “When the greater comes in. the lesser leaves because there is no longer anything to give life to it.” ( Jan. Science
of Mind Magazine)
Needless to say Friday morning went like clockwork. The plumber came out wrote up the actions to take. When the field agent came I gave her his notes. The mitigator walked about with the field agent and everything was in perfect order. I called the insurance desk agent and he was on top of the situation.
The lesser feelings of fear and worry LEFT so the GREATER GOOD could LIVE.
The plumbing work was done on Monday, yesterday, and we have hot water again. Now we place the repairs in the hands of God as the insurance agents.
Thank you God!