December 19, 2017
Dear Friends,
I began writing this last week as the fires started to soar through northern San Diego County. I began to pray and trust in God for the Divine Outcome. I meditated and visualized a bubble of light as a protective shield surrounding our home, all the property and the labyrinth. I saw the angels encircling everything. This protective bubble extended outward to our neighbors, the city of Poway and beyond. I saw the winds subsiding as I spoke my word, just as Jesus the Christ spoke his word to the winds and waves on the Sea of Galilee.
In addition to prayer. I packed up ready to leave in case we got the evacuation call. Even though we live 1/2 hour away from the Lilac fire, one never knows when or if the wind will change direction. I felt so blessed to have the things we have. And I know what ever would happen, Steve and I would be fine!
Today as I write this, the fires are contained and our prayers are with those who have lost their homes and pets in the fires. We send them love knowing the Highest and Best is happening. People are pulling together in collaboration to help and support one another. In the midst of disaster, there is always a blessing. Each person will find the blessing meant for them. We know the Divine Plan is always one of Good.
In trust and surrender, I say thank you God.