Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, a day devoted to Love and Joy with partners, spouses, families and friends. We love the special gifts we give and receive, the candy,
the flowers and the special attention from and for our loved ones.
However there are those who do not have a special someone in their lives and perhaps their families are far away. Valentines Day for them can be lonely and

Divine LOVE is the Love of God which never fails, falls or is withheld. Divine Love manifests every day the year. If you are someone who feels isolated on this day
remember, GOD Within is always loving you unconditionally. Take a moment, by placing your hand over your heart and knowing the love of God is expressing as you.
When you give love, love comes back to you. Who and how can you express love today?

I suggest everyone take a moment and visualize a WAVE of LOVE flowing in and through you to everyone you know, family, friends, co-workers, people in stores, on
the streets and then flowing out as a WAVE to everyone in the city, state, country and then world. Picture this WAVE of LOVE, of JOY, of PEACE of GRACE permeating
everyone and every thing. Watch it, FEEL it circle the globe embracing our sweet mother earth. What a gift to ALL the people, animals and nature. Our thoughts and
feelings are energetic and DO go out into the ethers and felt by all on a subconscious level. The Law of Circulation is in place and all that you give returns

Listen to this beautiful YouTube of Rickie Byars singing
“We Let it Be.”
Here are the words.
“We Let the LOVE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the JOY Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the PEACE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.
We Let the GRACE Wash over us, We let, We let it be.”

YouTube “We Let It Be” by Rickie Byars

Create your Valentines Day with a WAVE of LOVE flowing over yourself, others and the world.

With LOVE,
Abigail and Steve