Write a NEW Story in 2022






Dear Friends,
Welcome to the New Year! I am excited about this new year and all the possibilities and potentials it holds for me, for Steve and for YOU.

There is just something about starting over, and beginning again that sets my heart and mind on a new path. It is like opening a new book and reading it
for the first time. Each chapter holds excitement and new possibilities as the narrative continues.

This New Year can open a new chapter in your life. Only YOU get to create
the STORY! How exciting do you want your story to be this year? Will it be
full of drama, mystery, romance, new skills, new adventures….? Remember what ever life in 2021 brought to you, it does not have to set the precedent for 2022.
Ernest Holmes said
“Principle is not bound by precedent. There is no law in the Universe that seeks to perpetuate old limitations, but there is a Law which responds to our greatest
vision at the exact level
of that vision.”

Every day, every week, every month is NEW. Create a new story with a new vision. Perhaps instead of writing out a long list of “goals,” this year, write a story
about what you would like your life to be, imagining fascinating ideas and people. Bring in other characters, new to you, ones you have not met yet. How would you
like them to show up? This is the time to let your imagination soar and rise above human conditions. You are the co-creator of your life. God within is your partner
and gives you the tools, (affirmative prayer, meditation, word power, competence, aptitude, skills and capability) to write, and act in your own life story.

Humans are not ideally set up to
understand logic; they are ideally
set up to understand stories.”
Roger C. Schank, Cognitive Scientist

Imagining a New Story,
Abigail and Steve