You Are My Sunshine

Dear Friends,

Years ago I knew a minister who, at one time, had a job as a laboratory assistant and did testing on cancerous cells with various chemicals. She was a very happy lady and often sang in the laboratory. One of her favorite songs was “You Are My Sunshine.”
The other science team members noticed changes happening to the cells when she sang. They asked her to stop singing because she was influencing the outcome of the tests. Now as a New Thought minster, she laughed when she told the story. Of course the cells would change because they were listening to the happy energy and words of the song.

We, as a body of cells can do the same thing for our health, wholeness and happiness. We can sing, laugh, be joyful and send that wonderful energy to every part of our body. Every part of our body is connected. When we bump into something, we often feel a hurt in another area of our body. I believe it is so important to understand not only how connected every atom, cell and molecule in our body is, but to understand how every human on earth is connected to each other! We pick up subconsciously what others are feeling and thinking.
It is the race consciousness we have with one another in our body of humanity.

What if we started singing “You Are My Sunshine” to those we don’t get along with (family, friends, co-workers etc.)? You do not have to be with them to sing to them. We know there is only ONE Universal Mind, Power, Life that receives the direct impress of thoughts and acts upon it! Try It! Direct your energy of love and song to the mean and unfriendly. They need love and happiness too. We do not know what kind of “shoes’ they are walking in.
Our job as Spiritual, God Beings, is to love, sing and bring happiness to ourselves and others everyday.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away