Dear Friends,
My favorite time is when I am sitting in my meditation chair watching the sun come up. I can feel the LIGHT shining on me and coming towards me.
There are mornings when it is so brilliant I almost need sunglasses to sit there. I just close my eyes and let the Sun LIGHT wash over me and through me.
It is like a Beloved friend I can always count on. Even when it rains, I know it is there. I begin to feel ONE with it. It is in the feeling of
LIGHT flowing through me I know that God loves me. I equate GOD with LIGHT, One and the same. It is like an “Inner ZOOM Meeting.”
The Divine LIGHT within YOU, can never bedimmed or desecrated.
The Divine Light is WHO YOU ARE and is constantly seeking expression in and through you! In the book Emissary of Light, James Twyman says,
“You use the shirt just as you use the body. When you are finished using the shirt you set it aside.”
In the Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says, “You are the one who is inside looking out in the world. YOU are more than your body or thoughts.”
The Buddha said: “God almighty (Brahman) resides within all humans as LIGHT. We can meditate on HIM within and that long search for the Creator
is at last over, ending within ourselves.
When a candle is lit, it can light up other candles.”
Jesus said. “I AM the LIGHT of the world.” He was saying the Mighty I AM in him is also in YOU.
You Are the Light of the world.
How can God/LIGHT show up for us, as us?
I want to share with you 4 ways:
God/Light as Intuition
I receive my best inner guidance when I am quiet in meditation and when I am walking in nature. I am always lead to calling a friend when their
face pops into my mind, saying YES to an opportunity even when I am out of my comfort zone, and doing something outside the “to do” list of the day.
I listen, I follow.
God/Light as Healings
Light is our True Essence. When we realize the Divine is within us, see and feel this inner light, we can tap into the God essence of who we really
are and declare our body as whole, perfect and complete, because it is, always has been and always will be.
Afffirm: There is only One Life/Light, that Life/Light is the Life/Light of God That Life/ Light is perfect and that Life/Light is my Life/Light Now!
God/Light as Protection
Before my day begins I ‘imagine’ a white light around me, around Steve, around our cars, house, property, all of our family and friends, and expanding
out before me wherever I go. Picturing a white circle around my car on the freeways keeps me safe and anyone getting too close will automatically drop back,
move into another lane or pass me. I surrounded our house with this white light during the 2007 fires and our house remained standing.
God/Light as Endings…..Leads to New Beginnings.
God walks with us, in us, as us, through us and all our experiences in our human life and beyond. During this pandemic we are experiencing the ending of the
old way of life, as we prepare for a new way of life, a new human consciousness.
On a personal note, years ago, our church was named Child Centered Church and when parents wanted a church to reflect them as well, we evolved into The Family
Spiritual Center. During that time the landlord raised our rent so high we needed to find another space. We went from meeting in a community center,
to meeting in a variety of faith centers.
As our emphasis grew on understanding the world religions, our name changed again to All Faith Center. Every ending has a new beginning that leads us
forward into our spiritual growth and understanding.
Every “NEW change’ is meant for our highest good.
TRUST in God, as you in Life. You are the Light of God, the Light of Life.
BE it, because you are It!!!
My favorite time is when I am sitting in my meditation chair watching the sun come up. I can feel the LIGHT shining on me and coming towards me.
There are mornings when it is so brilliant I almost need sunglasses to sit there. I just close my eyes and let the Sun LIGHT wash over me and through me.
It is like a Beloved friend I can always count on. Even when it rains, I know it is there. I begin to feel ONE with it. It is in the feeling of
LIGHT flowing through me I know that God loves me. I equate GOD with LIGHT, One and the same. It is like an “Inner ZOOM Meeting.”
The Divine LIGHT within YOU, can never bedimmed or desecrated.
The Divine Light is WHO YOU ARE and is constantly seeking expression in and through you! In the book Emissary of Light, James Twyman says,
“You use the shirt just as you use the body. When you are finished using the shirt you set it aside.”
In the Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says, “You are the one who is inside looking out in the world. YOU are more than your body or thoughts.”
The Buddha said: “God almighty (Brahman) resides within all humans as LIGHT. We can meditate on HIM within and that long search for the Creator
is at last over, ending within ourselves.
When a candle is lit, it can light up other candles.”
Jesus said. “I AM the LIGHT of the world.” He was saying the Mighty I AM in him is also in YOU.
You Are the Light of the world.
How can God/LIGHT show up for us, as us?
I want to share with you 4 ways:
God/Light as Intuition
I receive my best inner guidance when I am quiet in meditation and when I am walking in nature. I am always lead to calling a friend when their
face pops into my mind, saying YES to an opportunity even when I am out of my comfort zone, and doing something outside the “to do” list of the day.
I listen, I follow.
God/Light as Healings
Light is our True Essence. When we realize the Divine is within us, see and feel this inner light, we can tap into the God essence of who we really
are and declare our body as whole, perfect and complete, because it is, always has been and always will be.
Afffirm: There is only One Life/Light, that Life/Light is the Life/Light of God That Life/ Light is perfect and that Life/Light is my Life/Light Now!
God/Light as Protection
Before my day begins I ‘imagine’ a white light around me, around Steve, around our cars, house, property, all of our family and friends, and expanding
out before me wherever I go. Picturing a white circle around my car on the freeways keeps me safe and anyone getting too close will automatically drop back,
move into another lane or pass me. I surrounded our house with this white light during the 2007 fires and our house remained standing.
God/Light as Endings…..Leads to New Beginnings.
God walks with us, in us, as us, through us and all our experiences in our human life and beyond. During this pandemic we are experiencing the ending of the
old way of life, as we prepare for a new way of life, a new human consciousness.
On a personal note, years ago, our church was named Child Centered Church and when parents wanted a church to reflect them as well, we evolved into The Family
Spiritual Center. During that time the landlord raised our rent so high we needed to find another space. We went from meeting in a community center,
to meeting in a variety of faith centers.
As our emphasis grew on understanding the world religions, our name changed again to All Faith Center. Every ending has a new beginning that leads us
forward into our spiritual growth and understanding.
Every “NEW change’ is meant for our highest good.
TRUST in God, as you in Life. You are the Light of God, the Light of Life.
BE it, because you are It!!!
Living as Light,
Abigail and Steve