Your North Star

North Star
Dear Friends,

The ancient sailors used to navigate by the North Star to find their way to a final destination.   I believe, we all need our own North Star to help guide our lives, and divine destination.
In the morning my routine is to thank God for the day before I get out of bed, go to my meditation chair, say prayers, meditate and read inspirational books and/or verses.  I then do some form of exercise, walking, yoga, stretching exercises and walk the labyrinth.  However there are days when I wake up, just not wanting to complete this routine.  The pull of checking my phone or starting on my computer becomes  stronger than my meditation practice.  When I succumb to those days, nothing seems to flow right. It feels like an uneasy day, and not much seems to get done.  When I overcome the “pull” and just say,  ‘I will only sit in my meditation chair for a few moments,’  this action becomes my North Star.
I know when I sit in this comfortable chair that can rock slightly, I feel at peace, I feel comforted, I feel connected to the Great Divine Energy of the Universe.   The few minutes I think I will sit there becomes longer, prayers flow, and  meditation becomes deep. I am fulfilled and guided with grace and ease for the rest of the day. All things fall into place. My attitude is serene. I accomplish more than I had planned. All works together for my good.
Love is leading my way.
What is your North Star?  Let it be your Spiritual tool first thing in the morning.  Phones and computers can wait.
Let  God  be your North Star in the morning.