Birth of Our Christ Consciousness

Christmas Star

I do believe we create a Divine Plan for our lives and we have the free will to carry it out. The more we listen and quiet our minds and hearts we HEAR our calling, our purpose and our Spiritual Plan and Divine Destiny.  We celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ at this time of year, because he represents the birth of our Christ Consciousness within us.  Have we stepped off our Christ Conscious road this year? Have we side-stepped, then come back on? Have we totally forgotten what it is that is calling us?  In God, As God, Of God, it is never too late to step back on the road, to realign our hearts and minds with our Christ Self. Today in the midst of our Christmas activities let us stop and be present to the Christ in Christmas.  It is your Christhood to recognize and draw forth. It is always  present in and as you.  Come and recognize who you are, affirm it, declare it and BE it.

And So It Is! Amen

Be Still and Know That I Am God


This is such a busy time of year. We experience the hustle bustle of shopping malls, the heavy traffic and even the noisy holiday parties.   Sometimes we may wonder if we have enough time to “do it all!”   When we feel this way, it is the perfect time to:
We may not be able to stop the noise on the outer, however we can stop the noise on the inner. Being STILL changes the energy, and vibration within and around us, in  the malls, at stoplights, on the road and even in the midst of a party. At this time we can send Blessings and Love to  people everywhere and spend a moment in gratitude for all the good we have been given. Time will suspend for a moment  and a feeling of deep peace will fill us up. The  Presence of God changes the whole day. Divine Order happens. Divine Timing gets us where we need to be. Divine Stillness  makes us pause so we can “do it all.”







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Infinite Possibilities A couples spiritual journey into psychic abilities,  past lives, hypnosis, and more.

7 Billion TruthsWhat did the Avatars really teach?

Empowered Women of Faith –  10 Faith Leaders tell their personal stories of Answering the Call, Breaking the Mold and Paving the Way for future women leaders.

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