Living in a Fish Bowl

Gold fish bowl

Live as if everything you do will eventually be known.
-Hugh Prather
(from Karen Jandoff daily messages)

I love the quote this week.
“Live as if everything you do will eventually be know.”  The TRUTH is,  everything you do, is Known. Possibly not by family, friends or neighbors, but always by the Spiritual Essence within you, and the Omnipresent Spirit which I call God.  Many faith traditions believe everything you think, say and do is recorded  in the Akaskic records, for you to view at a latter date – transition time.  We can never hide from God, nor fool ourselves into thinking something didn’t happen. The Truth is always known.   If we live our lives openly, honestly, with integrity, and stay in alignment with our God Selves,we will never have to “look behind us.” be afraid something will turn up on Facebook, or secrets will be revealed.
Living a Spiritual Life is living as if we were in a fishbowl, always clear, clean and in view for others to see.  Living this way really does keep us on the straight and narrow.  Living this way brings us a comfortable peace in our heart and mind knowing we are living our purpose in a  Spiritual way and have nothing to hide.
How is your fish bowl looking lately?