God Spelled Backwards is…

God – Spelled Backwards

When God had made the earth and sky,
The flowers and the trees.
He then made all the animals,
The fish, the birds and bees.
And when at last He’d finished,
Not one was quite the same.
He said, “I’ll walk this world of mine,
And give each one a name.”
And so He traveled far and wide
And everywhere He went,
A little creature followed Him
Until its strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth
And in the sky and sea,
The little creature said, “Dear Lord,
There’s not one left for me.”
Kindly the Father said to him,
“I’ve left you to the end.
I’ve turned my own name back to front
And called you dog, my friend.”

Author Unknown

Zoe on pillow

                       This past weekend we  babysat for our “grandpuggle,” Zoe. She is 9
years young and just loves to be with her “people.”  Her favorite time is when we are all sitting on the couch and she gets to choose the lap and/or pillow and/or blanket to curl up on. It is amazing to watch her “think” and make a selection.  One morning  Zoe and I got up very early so I could feed her and take her for a long walk. She is a sniffer ( puggles are 1/2 beagle and 1/2 pug) so our walks are long because she needs to stop, sniff and explore the territory.  Being a “grandma” I have no great hurry to get home so I let her lead the way.  She always seems to be on a mission and knows exactly where she wants  to go.  Once we got home she was ready to rest on the couch.  However I needed my prayer time on my special chair. About 1 minute after I sat down I heard the patter of little feet trotting over and Zoe jumped up on my lap.  I had a blanket there and she made herself very cozy on top of it and me.  As my breathing slowed, I noticed hers did too, almost matching mine. Breathing in meditation puts us in the God zone and I realized I had God on my lap. God spells Its nature at that moment “dog.” Here was a truly sweet, kind, gentle being that only gives me unconditional love. My Zoe God wants to be with me, communicate with me, spend time with me and help me slow down to appreciate the good life I live.  Isn’t that just like the Infinite GOD?   It was such a beautiful God moment with her on my lap. The air felt different and etheric.  I truly felt the loving presence of the One. We are all One; Zoe, you, me, everyone and everything.  It was a perfect moment in”no” time.