Shoulders We Stand On

“I respect traditional people – they have the eyes which see value in the tarnished. This is a gift in itself. Tradition requires a wealth of discipline in order to be adhered to, hence it is rarely found in youth.”
– Criss Jami

elderly holding hands 2

Last week I mentioned I was traveling to see my Mentor Minister, Dr. Juanella Evans, in Bishop, CA.  I am so glad I did.  Communication was extremely challenging  since her voice had gotten so weak she could barely get the words out. When she did speak it was a mumble.  However just being there spoke more than words. Holding her hands was comforting to her. I brought up some lovely hand lotion and was able to put it on her hands.  I read the beautiful meditations in the back of the Science of Mind Text which helped to sooth and calm her.
Not being able to communicative can be frustrating and agitating.  Those in nursing homes, long term care facilities seem so lost and alone. When you have a chance, visit a facility. Make someone happy by just being there.
Say Hello to those in the wheelchairs in the hallways.
Remember they were once young and vibrant and now they feel almost invisible. Even of  you do not have anyone to visit, remember our elderly.  Help them in the grocery stores, malls, check out stands anywhere.
These are the shoulders we are standing on.  They have paved the way for us.  Recognize and honor their worth.
They were your age once, and one day you will be theirs!

elderly Child kissing old man

Don’t Wait

Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family.
Joseph Brodsky

Dr. Juanella Evans Sharer

Earthly Life is short.  It always seems like we have “plenty of time” to call a friend, a loved one, parents, and/or colleagues.  In reality time is sacred and not a moment to waste.
I will be visiting my dear, beloved Mentor Minister, Dr. Juanella Evans this weekend up in a CARE Facility in Bishop, CA.  It has been awhile since I saw her, although we were in constant email communication.  Now I am praying for her continued health and wholeness.  My plans were to see her on her birthday in Sept.  However,
when I got the call, saying she was in the hospital, I knew  I had to see her sooner rather than later.
Don’t wait
Go see your loved ones and dear friends now.  Even if you cannot travel, call them, email them, text them.  Let them know what a blessing they are in your life.  Missed opportunities can be a heartache one has to live with.

Mini_HeartLove and Blessings Always,

Slow Down and BE

yellow-butterfly-garry-gaySimplify, slow down, be kind.
And don’t forget to have art in your life – music,
paintings, theater, dance,and sunsets.
– Eric Carle

We are taking care of our “granddoggie” for a couple days and she always helps me remember to SLOW Down, and enjoy the moment.  Zoe is a puggle, 1/2 pug and 1/2 beagle. She definitely has a beagle nose and  absolutely MUST stop and sniff every little leaf, tree, bush, pebble, blade of grass on our walks. YES, we do  slow down……
On one  walk we saw a small garden snake in the grass, and a road runner trotting across the road.  The whole day was “remembering” to stop and slow down, and take my time.  I stopped to say hi to a neighbor and then saw a small coyote cross the street. I walked the labyrinth slower than usual and noticed a yellow butterfly almost land on me. I also saw a  beautiful spider web between the bushes. In the grocery store I was behind an elderly gentleman around age 90 who needed more time with his payment and groceries.  The clerk apologized to me later saying she was sorry I had to wait, and I said,  “We will all get there someday, so no problem ” The clerk said, “I hope someone will be kind to me at that age.”
There are so many heart felt moments when we take more time to just slow down and  BE.  Everything can wait, but magical moments come and go quickly.
Watch for them, experience them, and stay in that moment just a little longer.  You will be glad you did.

FREE to BE and to LOVE

FLAG rainbow
At a time of increased attention to the Democratic Party’s platform plank supporting gay marriage, Rev. Jesse Jackson not only said he supports gay marriage, but told Human Events that in his capacity as a minister, he would perform a marriage of gay couples “if I was asked to.”
Rev. Jesse Jackson

“Our clergy believe that this decision is in the best tradition of the Conservative movement which views the Torah as a living document that allows room for new understandings and approaches,” it said. “As we have modernized the role of women and many other practices, the demand on the part of our brothers and sisters who are gay to be able to live in a sanctified relationship is a call to our conscience and our responsibility as Jews.”
Rabbi David Wolpe

“‘Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?’ the pontiff said, speaking in Italian. ‘You can’t marginalize these people.'”
Pope Francis

“Desmond Tutu leaves no doubt about his opinions regarding LGTB rights, declaring: ‘I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.’
Archbishop Desmnd Tutu


Happy Dance
I am doing my “Happy Dance” for my gay friends.  I celebrate  and am grateful to the Supreme Court for their decision last week.  In New Thought we know LOVE can be between many people, unlimited and joyful. The body is a vehicle to house the soul and spirit.  Bodies change from life time to life time, yet love for the soul of another does not change, no matter what body we enter the earth dimension with.  Congratulations to those who now can marry and have equal rights!


Happy 4th of July coming up. Let us celebrate the FREEDOM we have in this country to make changes necessary for our spiritual growth and well being.
Let us give thanks and blessings to our military for their work. Let us give thanks to all those who are doing their best to create a world that works for everyone.
I give thanks for YOU. You are a blessing, a light and an emissary of Spirit.