FREE to BE and to LOVE

FLAG rainbow
At a time of increased attention to the Democratic Party’s platform plank supporting gay marriage, Rev. Jesse Jackson not only said he supports gay marriage, but told Human Events that in his capacity as a minister, he would perform a marriage of gay couples “if I was asked to.”
Rev. Jesse Jackson

“Our clergy believe that this decision is in the best tradition of the Conservative movement which views the Torah as a living document that allows room for new understandings and approaches,” it said. “As we have modernized the role of women and many other practices, the demand on the part of our brothers and sisters who are gay to be able to live in a sanctified relationship is a call to our conscience and our responsibility as Jews.”
Rabbi David Wolpe

“‘Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?’ the pontiff said, speaking in Italian. ‘You can’t marginalize these people.'”
Pope Francis

“Desmond Tutu leaves no doubt about his opinions regarding LGTB rights, declaring: ‘I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.’
Archbishop Desmnd Tutu


Happy Dance
I am doing my “Happy Dance” for my gay friends.  I celebrate  and am grateful to the Supreme Court for their decision last week.  In New Thought we know LOVE can be between many people, unlimited and joyful. The body is a vehicle to house the soul and spirit.  Bodies change from life time to life time, yet love for the soul of another does not change, no matter what body we enter the earth dimension with.  Congratulations to those who now can marry and have equal rights!


Happy 4th of July coming up. Let us celebrate the FREEDOM we have in this country to make changes necessary for our spiritual growth and well being.
Let us give thanks and blessings to our military for their work. Let us give thanks to all those who are doing their best to create a world that works for everyone.
I give thanks for YOU. You are a blessing, a light and an emissary of Spirit.