Bless Our Transitions

Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago I was taking my morning walk and appreciating sweet Mother Earth and all her glory, when out of the blue a sadness came over me. I was on the walk I used to take with my daughter and her little dog Zoe (who passed). In that moment I realized I would never again experience a walk with her and Zoe like that again. I missed the past when she and Zoe would come and spend the weekends with us, to walk and talk. Life had changed.
I was able to snap out of this sadness, when I realized, things would never be the same, they would be better! At this moment in time, I am walking with my daughter again, only with a brand new grandbaby. My daughter just moved and lives 12 minutes away from us in Poway. I get to see her, Glenn and our sweet granddaughter more now than ever before.
I was reminded of these feelings from a wonderful Sunday message by my friend Rev. Michelle Ingalls. Part of her message was on “Transitions.” I really appreciated what she said about “Honoring our passage in times of Transition.”
Very often we use the term transition to mean passing from life on earth to new life on the other side. Transition really means any time we experience a change or beginning a new chapter in our life. I experienced a passage from mother to grandmother, from babysitter of a puppy to babysitter of a granddaughter.
LIFE is meant to bless us through all transitions and experiences in our life.
In these pandemic times we must honor the transitions happening, whether it is death, birth, loss of job, gain of new job, marriage, divorce and many other passages of change. Honor them, bless them, feel the emotions surrounding them and know there is a Greater Plan for each of us. We are continually moving upward and onward. As Ernest Holmes said:
“We Believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
Honoring Transitions,
Abigail and Steve



I am very excited to announce that my new book, A Rainbow for the World has just been released by Watersides Productions through  20 Spiritual Leaders from 20 different faiths contributed to the wealth of this book and it is a manuscript which invites the reader to experience the beauty and the truths of those 20 different faiths.  The book is endorsed by Azim Khamisa, U.N. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Rabbi Alan Bachman and Dr. Barbara Fields.

Just as a Rainbow is not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of colors, we are not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of the many faiths, races, skin tones, cultures, creeds, etc.  The book also provides the reader with a “World Rainbow Meditation” which they can listen to on YouTube at the same time they are reading the words in the book.  The link for this book in paperback form is and the link for the E-book is .

Please feel free to forward this announcement to everyone you know who may be at home feeling isolated and uncertain as well as your friends and colleagues.  At a time when we each need a positive sign showing us that All Will Be Alright,  “A Rainbow for the World does just that.  WE CAN REBOOT ourselves into a new humanity of Love and Respect and experience a healthier world which works for everyone.  Enjoy!



Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert

World Interfaith Network


Dear Friends,
On my walk I noticed a row of trees, which all looked the same, and yet when I got closer they were different. The branches, the tree trunk, the roots all were different, and yet they were of the same tree line. Isn’t that like us? We all look a little different yet, we are all human from the God line.
Take this step further, and all religions may look different yet they all come from the God line. God brought forth wisdom to saints, messiahs, prophets,
not the other way around. Who is to say, one is better than the other.

I watched a wonderful webinar by a colleague, Dr. Jim Kenney, who talked about the first and second Axial Ages. He believes, as do I, we are moving forward towards, and partially in, the second Axial Age. In a nutshell, the first age is tribal and the second age is global. Our consciousness is expanding and enlightening with thoughts that move outside our borders, whether they be religion, state, or country. Of course there is always a span of consciousness in any age. Our goal is to reach and become an awakened global conscious society. He clarified the words, “Inclusivism” and “Pluralism” for me. I had actually thought they were the same. He said:
“Inclusivity is accepting of all faith traditions,
and yet we still think ours is the best.
Pluralism goes beyond inclusivity where we realize another’s faith path/tradition is just as valid as our own.”

When I looked at those beautiful trees, each was magnificent in itself. All religions are magnificent in themselves. They give us grounding and purpose. There does come a time when we expand and look at the good and magnificence of other traditions and begin to incorporate some beliefs and practices into our own. When we do, we are moving toward Global Consciousness. In time maybe being Spiritual, with all the values of all traditions, will become more important than religiosity with its rules, laws
and creeds.

The Rim is where we are set in our fundamental religious ways. As we open to learning about each other, we begin to journey to the center where GOD is the Hub. At this point all religions and spiritual practices are valid and Love is the core. (Kenney) Rumi said:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field and I will meet you there.”
Pluralism is the Hub, the field, where we all realize, no one and no religion is better than another. We meet there with mutual love and respect.



Dear Friends,
I believe the Universe is always sending us messages, ideas, solutions and opportunities.
The question is are we listening?
Steve and I had a wonderful virtual Harmony Breakfast last week with leaders from POINT Interfaith Team, School District representatives, Interfaith Worker Justice, Anti Defamation League, Hands for Peace, San Dieguito Interfaith Ministerial Association, Racial Justice Coalition and the Assistant to our Congressman, Scott Peters. We truly had Diversity at the table. As I listened to everyone’s thoughts and visions on how to bring more inclusion to their workplace and home, I realized there was a window of opportunity for me there. I felt like a door was opening for me with the School Board Trustee and the Director of Student Services in our Poway School District. My vision was to be a liaison between POINT and the Poway Unified School District. These ladies would be wonderful to work with and so I will continue to connect with them. The Universe opened a door for me to work with educators in the area of inclusivity and diversity. I am choosing to step through it to see what new possibilities are on the other side.
Is there a door you wish to open? Has there been opportunities you have passed up?
Is there a the direction you want to go? Listen to your inner voice. If it keeps nagging on you, maybe it is time to OPEN the door.
Scripture says,
“Seek and Ye Shall Find…Knock and the door will be open to you…”
Rev. Philip White (Unity Magazine) said,
“Doors are decision makers, able to open or close opportunities.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
“God enters, by a private door into every individual.”
Remember to say YES, to zoom events and activities that interest you. You will never know who you will meet and connect with. It may be that one person who will open the door of opportunity for you. Even if you are not sure, STEP through the doorway and check it out.
Stop saying no or maybe. Start saying Yes, and give it a try.
We all need new and wonderful purposes. Nothing ever stays the same, so goals, dreams, intentions will change too. Open up the door of your heart and mind and step through to discover what awaits you on the other side.
Opening the door,
Abigail and Steve