I am very excited to announce that my new book, A Rainbow for the World has just been released by Watersides Productions through  20 Spiritual Leaders from 20 different faiths contributed to the wealth of this book and it is a manuscript which invites the reader to experience the beauty and the truths of those 20 different faiths.  The book is endorsed by Azim Khamisa, U.N. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Rabbi Alan Bachman and Dr. Barbara Fields.

Just as a Rainbow is not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of colors, we are not complete without the FULL SPECTRUM of the many faiths, races, skin tones, cultures, creeds, etc.  The book also provides the reader with a “World Rainbow Meditation” which they can listen to on YouTube at the same time they are reading the words in the book.  The link for this book in paperback form is and the link for the E-book is .

Please feel free to forward this announcement to everyone you know who may be at home feeling isolated and uncertain as well as your friends and colleagues.  At a time when we each need a positive sign showing us that All Will Be Alright,  “A Rainbow for the World does just that.  WE CAN REBOOT ourselves into a new humanity of Love and Respect and experience a healthier world which works for everyone.  Enjoy!



Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert

World Interfaith Network