There is no Race only Oneness

March 30, 2021

Dear Friends,

Our hearts go out to all the family and friends of those who died in the horrific mass shootings in Georgia and in Boulder the past two weeks.

The ALL FAITH CENTER stands in solidarity with people of all colors, ethnicities, cultures and faiths.
We are all ONE Humanity and our inhuman cruelty must end. The .01% that appears to make us “different” is inconsequential.
“Race is a Social Concept, Not a Scientific One. Data show that the DNA of any two human beings is 99.9 percent identical, and we all share the same set of genes…”
There is no validity to the term “race.” The concept of race is manmade.

It is time for those who hate “differences” to wake up and realize, Spirit, the Divine, God, Allah, however you wish to call our Creator, does not take sides, shows no preference, sees no differences and Loves us equally. It is our job to love equally as well. That is why we are here on earth. For God is in ALL of us! Essential values are inherent in all faith traditions. Humanists, agnostics and atheists also hold kindness and compassion in the highest esteem. We are all human, living on the same earth connected together in the Divine Web of Life.

As we pray for those suffering loss, we must pray for all those who have thoughts of hatred and killing. We are ONE Family and our prayers influence everyone in the field of mind.

We are at the brink of transformation and transmutation. Light a candle and say a prayer for all of humanity to evolve into a higher consciousness of love, compassion, kindness and peace.

In Oneness,
Abigail and Steve

“I AM a Cell in the Body of God”









March 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

“We are all CELLS in the body of God.”
Deepak Chopra
(quote shared from
Rev. Michelle Medrano)

“I am a LINK in the chain of creation….”
Detra Johnson RScP (April Science of Mind magazine)

I love these beautiful truths. It is so important to really feel like a cell, a link, in our humanity. Every cell has its place in the body, designed to do and be itself. Each cell is needed for the body to function. When one cell goes down, all cells are affected. When one cell is infected, all cells come to its aid to help it heal. We need to remember that our souls and our bodies are here for each other. We need to care for each other in the body of God.

Nature is teaching us, we as humans are completely connected to each other, to the environment, and to animals. As you can see in the picture above, the roots of the trees are all connected. They feel each others pain and joy. When one hurts, they all hurt. We can also see the hurt of people everyday, when we read the papers and watch TV. We cannot say, “Oh that is not me…” I say, YES it is me. I am ONE with and as that person. I am not separate. Animals are also entwined and connected to us. When we see elephants, whales, dolphins and other animals being hurt, abused or killed, it affects us. They too are important cells in the body of God. We are linked to them as well.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.”
How can we help and support our brothers and sisters, who have less than us, How can we help bring a little joy to them and to our animal friends, and mother nature? What is ours to do?

Each one of us must make the decision to lend our support.
We can:

Say daily prayers,
Light a candle,
Give financially to organizations that: help cloth and feed the homeless,
care for animals, work to preserve our environment.
Protest peacefully for causes that support equity and equality.
Write letters to your government officials on pending laws and legislation.
Write letters to your local newspapers expressing your opinion.
Read stories to children about our oneness and connectedness with all.
Take a walk among the trees and listen to their wisdom.

What other action fills and moves your heart?

As you take action, affirm:
I am a cell in the body of God.
I am a link in the chain of creation.
I give to and support others, for others are myself.

In Oneness,
Abigail and Steve


Sacred Sense Connections

Dear Friends,

We have all heard the spiritual phrase,
“We Are All Connected!” Sometimes we hear it and say it so often, we lose touch with the actual meaning.
Eugene Holden, RScP said,
“There is nothing we can look at that is not connected to us. The mere act of seeing an object connects us to it.
This holds true for the sounds we hear, the fragrances we smell and the things we physically touch.”
(SoM March Magazine)

I love the quote above as well, which says, “We are all Connected.
Our actions are like waves touching all things.” I like to think of the waves being sacred. I felt a sacred connection as
I sat beneath my beautiful Blue Spruce tree this morning. I put my hand on its branch and felt connected through touch.
I felt connected to the hummingbird who came near me with its sweet humming sound. I felt connected to the new flowers
I planted smelling their fragrance while standing near to them. My energy went forth from my eyes, ears, and nose as well as my heart and mind.
My whole body was a sacred wave connecting with and touching all things.

Even when picking up a book, there is a wave of connecting energy between
our hand, heart, eyes. Everything and everyone is waving energy. We are continually sending this wave to everyone and all things.
Every wave is SACRED. You are a sacred influencer. Consider today, what energy wave is going forth from you…. a wave of love, joy, peace, forgiveness,
or is your wave one of anxiety, anger, frustration or fear?

Everything blossoms with the wave of LOVE enfolding and encircling them. Not only does this apply for people we love, nature, pets, plants,
it applies to those we do not like. If we could stop a moment and send a kind thought to a person who is completely opposite in thought, word and deed as you, it will be felt. We are so connected EVERYTHING is felt. Perhaps that one kind word or thought will influence the person in a way we could not imagine.

Today let us be a SACRED WAVE OF LOVE in ACTION with our heart, mind, eyes, ears, nose and hands, so that every part of us connects,
and is a Loving influence in the world!

Retire Rewire Reinvent

March 2, 2020

Dear Friends,

Last Saturday we attended (via zoom) the retirement of a minister friend who founded and served her church center for 30 years. It was a lovely honoring of her and all she has done.
It was a celebratory evening and the celebration is over. Now what!
We know the idea of “Retirement” can be hard for some people, while others relish in the thought of creating a new purpose and life. I like to think of retirement as “reinventing” ones wheel of life. I certainly have had several “reinventions,” from:
• Retiring from 20 years of elementary teaching to ministry
• Child Centered Church ministry to Family Spiritual Center
• FSC to Interfaith Services
• Interfaith Services to Executive Director of POINT Interfaith Team.
Everyday I “retire” the day before and “reinvent” myself in the new day!

It does not matter whether we are in a pandemic, we still have the Creative Urge and Pull within us to be and do what is ours to do. What is calling you? What are you ready to RETIRE from in your life. What no longer serves you?
What makes you happy? What have you put on a shelf for the past few years? Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon, former CSL Leader said he is, “Retired and Rewired.”

Can we rewire ourselves and feel excitement about NEWNESS in our lives? Everyday we have the opportunity to retire ideas, projects, and reinvent or rewire ourselves into someone and something new.
Maybe it is time to create a new VISION BOARD!
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith is a leader in Visioning. and he suggests we ask three questions of ourselves:
• What must I release?
• What must I embrace/embody?
• What must I become?
Rev. Jane Beach suggests we ask:
• What’s the one change I can make today that would improve my life?
• What activities make me happiest?
• When I look back, how will I know I have truly lived my life?
Your Vision Board can be as elaborate as pasting pictures, symbols and words on a large cardboard poster. It can be as simple as drawing simple figures, words, ideas in your morning journals. The physicality of cutting, pasting, and drawing solidifies your vision and your reinvention.

Remember, EVERY day is a NEW day and we are here to use and be the God Power within us. Life is precious. Let us live it the way we wish. Retire what no longer serves or is useful to us. Reinvent, rewire and expand our life journey in consciousness and action.

Visioning a New Way,
Abigail and Steve