Sacred Sense Connections

Dear Friends,

We have all heard the spiritual phrase,
“We Are All Connected!” Sometimes we hear it and say it so often, we lose touch with the actual meaning.
Eugene Holden, RScP said,
“There is nothing we can look at that is not connected to us. The mere act of seeing an object connects us to it.
This holds true for the sounds we hear, the fragrances we smell and the things we physically touch.”
(SoM March Magazine)

I love the quote above as well, which says, “We are all Connected.
Our actions are like waves touching all things.” I like to think of the waves being sacred. I felt a sacred connection as
I sat beneath my beautiful Blue Spruce tree this morning. I put my hand on its branch and felt connected through touch.
I felt connected to the hummingbird who came near me with its sweet humming sound. I felt connected to the new flowers
I planted smelling their fragrance while standing near to them. My energy went forth from my eyes, ears, and nose as well as my heart and mind.
My whole body was a sacred wave connecting with and touching all things.

Even when picking up a book, there is a wave of connecting energy between
our hand, heart, eyes. Everything and everyone is waving energy. We are continually sending this wave to everyone and all things.
Every wave is SACRED. You are a sacred influencer. Consider today, what energy wave is going forth from you…. a wave of love, joy, peace, forgiveness,
or is your wave one of anxiety, anger, frustration or fear?

Everything blossoms with the wave of LOVE enfolding and encircling them. Not only does this apply for people we love, nature, pets, plants,
it applies to those we do not like. If we could stop a moment and send a kind thought to a person who is completely opposite in thought, word and deed as you, it will be felt. We are so connected EVERYTHING is felt. Perhaps that one kind word or thought will influence the person in a way we could not imagine.

Today let us be a SACRED WAVE OF LOVE in ACTION with our heart, mind, eyes, ears, nose and hands, so that every part of us connects,
and is a Loving influence in the world!