Divine Intelligence is Within YOU


Dear Friends,

Have you ever heard someone say, or have you said?:
“I don’t know…
I don’t know how….
I don’t know when….
I don’t….blah blah blah.”

If so, think about this quote for a moment…
“I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination that scatters the moonbeams across the waves and holds the forces of nature in its grasp.”
Ernest Holmes ( August Science of Mind magazine)

I read that quote and was mesmerized by the immensity of it. The same Intelligence (GOD) who created the universe and all within, is the same intelligence in me. WOW. God in me, as me, is me AND has all the answers I will ever need or want! The “I don’t know” thinking does not exist in God, for Divine Intelligence does have all the answers. When I or when we play dumb, we block the myriad of ideas that could be pouring forth through us from the Universal Intelligence of God.

What is it you think you do not know? STOP for a moment and claim the answer right here, right now, right where you are!!! If the answer does not come to mind immediately TRUST the answer will come TO you or through someone else. You will be lead to the answer of your prayer, your request. Declare the quote above and put in your unknown.

“I am guided by the same intelligence and inspired by the same imagination that scatters the moonbeams across the waves and holds the forces of nature in its grasp.” This intelligence within me knows the answer, can solve the problem and bring all the right people and circumstances TO ME to answer my question and or request.”

Sit quietly for a moment or 10 or 20 moments or until you feel a peaceful shift happening within you. At that point you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt your Divine Intelligence has heard you and is acting on your request.

We must remember, we are GOD being GOD here on earth in the form of a human body. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, not the other way around. We are born with God Intelligence, Love, Joy, Happiness, Wholeness and Wisdom. Declare God Intelligence is guiding you daily and bringing to you what you need and what you ask for. All prayers are heard and all prayers are answered NOW in Spirit. Human time may be different, nevertheless, it is answered.

Go about your day knowing the same Intelligence that created the earth, water, life, planet, sun, moon, stars, galaxies, universes and dimensions is the same Intelligence in YOU!

Say and Claim:
I do know…
I do know how…
I do know when…
I just do… because the Intelligence of God exists within me!

And so it is!!!

Growing where God Plants You



Nothing can stop GOD’s Divine Plan for our lives and the lives of every person, animal, and plant! Even in the midst of hardship and challenges,
God will lead your way to where you need to be. No mistakes made, only lessons learned.

“Life isn’t about reaching a single perfect destination… life’s path is continuous, challenging and everchanging.”
Rae Lynn Thayne

I showed my friend Sande Hart this photo of the plant breaking through the cement, and she said:
“Looks like it’s on its way to its divine purpose! And look at the brick border that did not stand a chance against this fragile thing with a plan! Love it!”

I have often thought about how all my choices seemed to have brought me exactly where I am today doing what I am supposed to do. However, I had another thought.
What if I had or you had made different choices. I believe my soul and your soul’s purpose would still be carried through. I believe, as many do, ALL paths lead to God.
I also believe all choices will ultimately lead us to our Divine purpose. Whether you go LEFT or RIGHT, and experience life differently, your soul is here to accomplish
a purpose. I do believe events, angels, miracles will always get us back on track. We are all evolving onward and upward. That is the truth. How we do that may take
different turns, trails, roads and paths. But we will achieve what we came here to do. Our life is eternal so it may even take another lifetime to complete our
soul mission.

It is important to follow your heart’s desire. The word desire mean “Of the Father.” Follow your heart, follow your intuition, follow your Divine Guidance and you will
continue to stay on your soul’s purpose.

This little plant is following its Divine purpose and plan. Nothing can stop it. It will grow and BE even between the cement and bricks. It certainly isn’t the easiest
way to grow, but it is growing despite appearances. In fact it looks healthy. Hardships and challenges strengthen us!

Growing in Purpose,                                                                                                Abigail and Steve









July 12, 2022

Dear Friends,

“When our relationship with Spirit is sound and our relationship with self is solid, we are ready to be of value to others and to see others in their own right…
Indeed our relationship with self determines whether we remain a child of God or mature into an adult of God. The child is in constant receivership while
the adult is capable of stewardship…”

I loved this quote by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind July magazine. It really made me ponder how often I use the phrase “Child of God.”
Our human children grow up into adults and we as Spiritual beings need to grow up into Adults of God. How often do we take on a childish role with complaining,
whining, begging, lashing out, ignoring sound advice?
Does this sound like our human children sometimes? We as human adults need to take being an adult of God seriously. We must realize as grown ups, we are
responsible for our thoughts, feelings and actions. We can’t blame anyone for our mistakes nor try to get away with things, thinking ‘no one knows.’ These are actions
of children.

Today make a vow to yourself and say, I am an ADULT of God. I take responsibility for my thoughts, words and deeds. I blame no one for my misdeeds or mistakes.
I accept my responsibility and role in actions good and not good. As an adult I rectify situations, I make sure others are given credit for good deeds.
I give to others what is needed. I am here to serve God by serving man, woman and child.

“I am worthy of good. My nature is to be open to good and to express in life as an adult of God. I am intelligent, empowered
and loving.”
Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard

Adults of God,
Abigail and Steve




With all the happenings in the world we need to ask ourselves what FREEDOM means to us. We just celebrated our country’s freedom and lost women’s freedom. FREEDOM is a RIGHT for All people, regardless of color, culture, ethnicity, faith, gender or gender preference. If we are being denied our right to make free choices, then we are not living in a country that spouts freedom with words and not with actions. In the recent events where rulings say women do not have power of choice, I believe we have de-evolved.

“If you don’t accept that bodily automony is an essential unconditional liberty, it’s a waste of time talking to you at all. No other liberties survive without that one, more fundamental than property rights. If you don’t own yourself absolutely, you own nothing. If every time men had sex, they risked death, physical disability, social shunning, a life altering interruption of their education or career, and the sudden life-long responsibility for another being, I think they’d expect a choice in the matter.”

(author unknown)

From Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert



Dear Friends,

Have you felt like you have put your life on hold these past two years? Do you feel like you are in your cocoon and feel like it is time to break out and start flying again. I have and I do! These past two years both Steve and I have been extremely careful and have stayed at home except for food shopping, errands and appointments. We have been inside a church once and all other gatherings have been outside. I am grateful we have had the opportunity to participate in church services, conferences and other interfaith events via zoom. I feel we have kept ourselves safe and secure. We have a sweet      21 month old granddaughter so being with her and staying healthy is our top priority. All these safety measures were needed and necessary! And yet, I am getting the “God Pull, God Push” to continue our interfaith work beyond our cocoon and comfort zone.

I have been reading a book by my friend and interfaith colleague, Sande Hart called The Liminal Odyssey; The Alchemy Power of the Spaces In-between. It is a fabulous book about her soul journey with pivotal moments in life where she took a leap of faith, spread her wings to make new choices and discover new paths of spiritual opportunity and growth. I can relate to her story and saw where pivotal moments in my life came to me by the still small (sometime loud) voice of God to bring me where I am today.

I feel I am at this moment at a pivotal place where I can either stay in my cocoon or reclaim by purpose of promoting Interfaith in a greater way.
I have been in a quandary about whether to attend the 2023 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago. The fear of traveling and being with a huge group of people is telling me NO. Yet, the still small voice of God within is saying
GO, BE THERE. Who shall I trust? My fear or my God?

That is a no brainer. GOD has always led me to my greater good!
Two quotes from Sande’s book
“When your passions meet the needs of the world, therein lies your calling.”
“When your passions meet the needs of your soul, therein lies your soul’s freedom.”
Sande Hart

I still plan to be extremely careful, always wearing a mask. I will get my second COVID booster and when I come home, I will get tested for COVID.

God’s PUSH and God’s PULL and my diligent PREPARATION will always bring me safely to where I need to BE.

Are you ready to break out of your cocoon? Is there something brewing in you , a thought, an urge to be and do something different? LISTEN to the still small voice within. Go for it….!!!

Pushed, Pulled, Prepared,
Abigail and Steve