July 12, 2022

Dear Friends,

“When our relationship with Spirit is sound and our relationship with self is solid, we are ready to be of value to others and to see others in their own right…
Indeed our relationship with self determines whether we remain a child of God or mature into an adult of God. The child is in constant receivership while
the adult is capable of stewardship…”

I loved this quote by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind July magazine. It really made me ponder how often I use the phrase “Child of God.”
Our human children grow up into adults and we as Spiritual beings need to grow up into Adults of God. How often do we take on a childish role with complaining,
whining, begging, lashing out, ignoring sound advice?
Does this sound like our human children sometimes? We as human adults need to take being an adult of God seriously. We must realize as grown ups, we are
responsible for our thoughts, feelings and actions. We can’t blame anyone for our mistakes nor try to get away with things, thinking ‘no one knows.’ These are actions
of children.

Today make a vow to yourself and say, I am an ADULT of God. I take responsibility for my thoughts, words and deeds. I blame no one for my misdeeds or mistakes.
I accept my responsibility and role in actions good and not good. As an adult I rectify situations, I make sure others are given credit for good deeds.
I give to others what is needed. I am here to serve God by serving man, woman and child.

“I am worthy of good. My nature is to be open to good and to express in life as an adult of God. I am intelligent, empowered
and loving.”
Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard

Adults of God,
Abigail and Steve