ALL Children are Expressions of GOD


“There is a wave of new expression coming in with our children. They are coming into the world with different vibrational patterns. There is something calling our attention. These children use aspects of their awareness and brains not typically accessed prior to their arrival. They demonstrate a wide and varying array of gifts, which range from deep intuitive and empathetic awareness to swift and incredible mathematical exactness. and profound compassion. Since God makes no mistakes, are these children of light demonstrating what is possible for us all?”                                                Rev. Dr. Christian Sorensen, ‘Science of Mind’, April issue

Dear Friends,

Today has been declared World Autism Awareness Day by the United Nations. So many of our children and adults have been diagnosed with this way of living in the human world.

“There is often nothing about how people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) look that sets them apart from other people, but they may communicate, interact, behave, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. The learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can range from gifted to severely challenged. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others need less.” (

Many of you may have watched the TV show, “The Good Doctor.” The young doctor had to overcome many autistic behaviors in order to be the top notch surgeon and precise diagnostician he plays on the show. Communication and dealing with his and other people’s feelings is a challenge for him. The wonderful thing is, the other doctors have accepted him and his behavior. Challenges are worked out with patience and dialogue. It is a credit to the show to bring to light the challenges people with Autism face in their daily life.

Everyone who has any kind of “different ability” face challenges we can not even fathom. It is up to us to be the person who takes the time to assist, help and support those who are living and seeing the world in a different way.

We all have different abilities. The mentally disabled man who packs my groceries, does it with ease and expertise. The person who is in a wheelchair has learned how to be extremely self sufficient, getting into and out of cars, into stores, on buses, trains. I am awed by their persistence and courage to live in a world that has not fully made life easy for them. People who have hearing and sight challenges have developed other abilities while still operating in a hearing and seeing world.

After all is said and done, I believe ALL people on earth are GOD Beings, Individualizations of the Divine. Each Soul has chosen his or her earth body and life experiences. Who ever you meet, who ever you know, and who ever you do not know, is and always has been the Fullness and Expression of the Divine.

Grateful for Who I Am and Who You Are,                                                                    Abigail and Steve