There are times in our lives when we just need to “Let Go and Fully Rely on God.” In some of my past newsletters I have mentioned difficulties with a family member. No matter how hard I try to restore and reconcile our relationship, he ignores all attempts of communication. One morning I drove up to his office, however he was not there. He found out I drove up and sent a very nasty note about not EVER coming up again. I believe this was the message I had to “hear.” “Of myself I can do nothing. It is the GOD within me that does the work.” I FINALLY Got It! Time to Surrender to God within. My trying to “fix” a relationship is like adding fuel to the flame.


In the Science of Mind magazine Rev. Christian Sorensen writes, “The time you might spend worrying about an undesirable issue, you might instead try spending time on the contemplation of the Divine. When you make Spirit and the blessings in your life bigger, your difficulties become smaller. MAGNIFY and SANCTIFY your good!”


So today I am committed to ‘Magnify and Sanctify my Good’ and my God. I have a beautiful family, grandchildren, friends, co-workers. So I release any need to fix anyone or anything. Total surrender has led me into the best times of my life! Total surrender led me to my first Religious Science (New Thought) church. Total surrender led me to a conference where I met Steve.

There are many more times where magnifying and thinking about the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omniactive, Omniloving God has brought the Highest Good into my life. Why stop now!?


If any one has a cute frog statue or hears the bull frogs at night croaking.

Let it remind you to Fully Rely On God!


Magnifying, Sanctifying and Fully Relying on God,

Abigail and Steve