January 1, 2019

Dear Friends,

I love celebrating the New Year with all its possibilities! Recently we watched the classic movie, “A Christmas Story.” I loved the little boy Richie having his heart set on a BB gun ( although I am definitely NOT a gun person.) The point is, no matter what anyone told him, he still IMAGINED receiving it.
And then he did!

When our heart imagines a dream, a gift, a purpose, a possibility, no one can stop us from gaining or achieving it. Our hearts want us to be happy, live life fully, love greatly and create purposefully. Everyone came to earth with a purpose. It is up to us to dream it, then be it. Sometimes identifying it, is a challenge. Your heart is your Wisdom guide. Place your hands over your heart and ask HER what is truly right and wonderful for you. She, your God(dess) intuition will always reveal your highest and best action, purpose and benefit.

Rev. Dr. John Waterhouse wrote in the Science of Mind December magazine,
“Begin by looking back on your life. When have you felt joyously empowered through what you were doing? Look for patterns of activities where you have made a difference in the lives of others. Then simply write a one-sentence statement that captures the essence of who you have come here to be – your purpose.”

Where is your imagination going right now? Are your thoughts making you happy? Are these thoughts making your heart sing? Day dreaming puts us in the right side of our brain where creativity happens. First we must feel the truth our heart is telling us, then our mind, through affirmative prayer, can help create what we desire.
New Thought says, “Love Leads the Way and Law Makes the Way Happen.”

Here is an Affirmation:
“As I enter the new year, I utilize my imagination to perceive possibilities that are not currently visible.”
(December -Daily Word)

If you are unsure of your purpose or what you wish to create, say daily.
“Thank you God for illuminating the Divine opportunities for me today to serve YOU with joy.”

Surrendering, in faith and trust, will always bring about the highest and best
for you. Happy New Year!

Happily Affirming,