Dear Friends,
We are now in the December Season of
Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion.
All these ideas were taught by Jesus the Christ, the Master Teacher and Spiritual Leader. We celebrate his birth at Christmas time. We also celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness in us as well. We are the Christ in potential. He said, “What I do,
you can do also.”
This past week I have been focusing on the idea of FORGIVENESS, for without forgiveness there is no love. Without forgiveness it is difficult to even acknowledge the Divine Presence in another person. If Jesus the Christ can forgive, I can forgive as well.
On my meditation altar I have added a “Forgiveness” candle. I plan to light it everyday until I have a change of heart within me for a person who seems to say unkind things about Steve and me. I know when I have a change of heart and consciousness life with change. Terry Cole Whitaker said, “What others think of me, is none of my business.” I am not a victim. I am a partner in this journey. How I react to harsh words is what is so important.
If unkind words are spoken, my response is to send love, in my heart , mind and/or verbally. LOVE does conquer all. Darkness cannot stay when a LIGHT is turned on.
To forgive is always a choice. I choose to see the person as a Divine Being of God, having a human experience. Life on our human journey can be challenging so I acknowledge this for me and for her.
Today I will stay in the Consciousness of Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion for all.
What Consciousness of Christ will you activate today?
Who will you forgive, love, give and show compassion?