Dear Friends,
I was reading the article about Wayne Dyer in the ‘Unity Magazine’ and was
reminded again of our human/spiritual connectedness. At this time in our history we seem to be a divisive people.
We need to remember who we are – Spirit, God, Love and Light. Even more we need to remember we all come from the same Source. Our roots are God. We are all one BIG family, growing, learning and evolving in many ways. From the image, above, we can see people on the branches, at different levels, different sides, yet all CONNECTED at the root of our being. God’s DNA is in each and every one of us. Wayne Dyer, quoted in the article said,
“We are all branches on the same tree, this tree of humanity, and that no tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst each other. When we engage in battle,… we’re just creating more of the stress, fear, anxiety and tension that we say we don’t want in our world. People get so caught up in their emotions, especially when they believe what someone else is doing or thinking is wrong. Your HIGHEST SELF wants peace. Go to that place of peace.”
In Religious Science we know when we pray, we go to that place of peace, God within, and know the Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Ominloving and Omniaction of Spirit within ourselves. We feel the Divine because we are the Divine. I like to think of God as “stretched out in smiling repose.” It is that place where all is good, whole, healthy, abundant, peaceful and joyous. When I feel it for myself, I feel it and know it for all people I am thinking about and praying for.
We do not have to agree with people’s opinions. We do not need to argue our point. We DO need to see them as our brother and sister, branches on the same tree in the same family. Let us do unto others as others would want us to do to them. Let us be kind, loving and respectful. Every thought and action is a ripple out into the world and felt by all.

Sending Love,