Happy Valentine’s Day

Dear Friends,
This Valentine’s Day Blessing is my prayer for you this week. God, our Source, Creator, Divine Parent birthed us with It’s LOVE, Light, Wisdom and Intelligence. Love is inherent within us, which allows us to feel love for our spouse, partner, child, parent, friend, co-worker, and even the stranger on the street. There is a favorite saying, “There is no spot where GOD is not.” We can easily put the word LOVE in the quote. “There is no spot where LOVE is not.” Even in our most difficult challenges, LOVE is there. When we feel our world is crashing down, LOVE is there. When we break up with our partner, spouse or friend, LOVE is there. For the Intelligence of the Universe is based on LOVE and the Highest Good for all is continually revealing Itself. Our eternal life is designed to move us forward knowing and being more LOVE.
We do not need another person to feel love. Love is within us already. Once
we recognize LOVE is who we are, we can begin to express it in so many ways.
Kiss your spouse/partner
Hug your child
Smile at your neighbor
Refrain from judgment
Say hi to a homeless person on the street
View a challenge from another point of view.
Send a card of appreciation
Make a phone call to someone you haven’t talked with in awhile.
Pray for the Highest Good for all, whether you agree with them or not.
I know you can think of more ways to be and express LOVE.
No need to rely on another person for LOVE. If we have the special relationship where we feel One Soul is flowing through two bodies, let us count our blessings and give thanks. If we don’t have a spouse or partner, let us give thanks for our family and friends. GOD/LOVE is within YOU and within everyone. LOVE is the origin of the Universe. This LOVE Energy will continue today and forever. You can’t stop it, just flow with it. Be happy and be at peace.
Happy Valentine’s Day!