Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago I was taking my morning walk and appreciating sweet Mother Earth and all her glory, when out of the blue a sadness came over me. I was on the walk I used to take with my daughter and her little dog Zoe (who passed). In that moment I realized I would never again experience a walk with her and Zoe like that again. I missed the past when she and Zoe would come and spend the weekends with us, to walk and talk. Life had changed.
I was able to snap out of this sadness, when I realized, things would never be the same, they would be better! At this moment in time, I am walking with my daughter again, only with a brand new grandbaby. My daughter just moved and lives 12 minutes away from us in Poway. I get to see her, Glenn and our sweet granddaughter more now than ever before.
I was reminded of these feelings from a wonderful Sunday message by my friend Rev. Michelle Ingalls. Part of her message was on “Transitions.” I really appreciated what she said about “Honoring our passage in times of Transition.”
Very often we use the term transition to mean passing from life on earth to new life on the other side. Transition really means any time we experience a change or beginning a new chapter in our life. I experienced a passage from mother to grandmother, from babysitter of a puppy to babysitter of a granddaughter.
LIFE is meant to bless us through all transitions and experiences in our life.
In these pandemic times we must honor the transitions happening, whether it is death, birth, loss of job, gain of new job, marriage, divorce and many other passages of change. Honor them, bless them, feel the emotions surrounding them and know there is a Greater Plan for each of us. We are continually moving upward and onward. As Ernest Holmes said:
“We Believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
Honoring Transitions,
Abigail and Steve