August 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

In San Diego we had a Hurricane come close to shore a couple weekends ago. After being at the Parliament in Chicago, it felt like we hit the ground running once home. We prepared for the wind and rain by taking action. We set down umbrellas, chairs and pushed outside furniture close to the wall below our balcony. We closed down our computers, turned off the TV and used minimal light. ACTIONS are important when facing a potential crisis. I use the term potential because everything is potential until our words and thoughts are clear about the outcome we want. What did we want? We wanted to remain safe, protected with all house and property undamaged.

Before we ACTED, we PRAYED and AFFIRMED:

There is only ONE Life, ONE Power, that Life and Power is God and that life and power is perfect and that life and power is my life now! I speak my word.

There is a Divine Ring of Protection around our house, our property, the tall trees and around our neighbors, family, friends and community. I see and know we are in God’s bubble of love and light securing us, protecting us and loving us…The Hurricane is diminishing…. and my prayer went on.

We do know many people were affected by the Hurricane, however it never did hit land so the potential damage was lessened! I believe our prayers were answered. We had rain, very little wind and no damage to our house or property.

Lesson here...prayers are always answered regardless of circumstance, or potential crisis. Many times the media blows everything out of proportion and creates fear and unnecessary stress. Yes, the hurricane came, and I believe my prayer and all those praying helped to “gentle-ize” the Hurricane. As Ernest Holmes said, “Treat (Prayer treatment) and move your feet!” Prayer and Action go hand in hand.

Remember the story of the man who stood on top of his house during a storm where rain was flooding the streets? He prayed to God to SAVE him. A boat came along and one of the people said, “Get on!” The man refused saying God would save him. Another bigger boat came along and the man refused help saying God would save him. A third and final boat came along and the water was raging now. It was his last chance to get on a boat. He said ‘no’ again. Well, he died in the raging waters. He met God in the afterlife, and asked “Why didn’t you save me God?” God said,” I gave you three chances and you refused.”(author unknown)

GOD works THROUGH each and every one of us. We must listen to the still small voice within and to each other. We are all channels of and for God.

For any challenge you have, it is a potential for great good, or not. YOUR WORDS create the outcome.