Dear Friends,
On my walk I noticed a row of trees, which all looked the same, and yet when I got closer they were different. The branches, the tree trunk, the roots all were different, and yet they were of the same tree line. Isn’t that like us? We all look a little different yet, we are all human from the God line.
Take this step further, and all religions may look different yet they all come from the God line. God brought forth wisdom to saints, messiahs, prophets,
not the other way around. Who is to say, one is better than the other.

I watched a wonderful webinar by a colleague, Dr. Jim Kenney, who talked about the first and second Axial Ages. He believes, as do I, we are moving forward towards, and partially in, the second Axial Age. In a nutshell, the first age is tribal and the second age is global. Our consciousness is expanding and enlightening with thoughts that move outside our borders, whether they be religion, state, or country. Of course there is always a span of consciousness in any age. Our goal is to reach and become an awakened global conscious society. He clarified the words, “Inclusivism” and “Pluralism” for me. I had actually thought they were the same. He said:
“Inclusivity is accepting of all faith traditions,
and yet we still think ours is the best.
Pluralism goes beyond inclusivity where we realize another’s faith path/tradition is just as valid as our own.”

When I looked at those beautiful trees, each was magnificent in itself. All religions are magnificent in themselves. They give us grounding and purpose. There does come a time when we expand and look at the good and magnificence of other traditions and begin to incorporate some beliefs and practices into our own. When we do, we are moving toward Global Consciousness. In time maybe being Spiritual, with all the values of all traditions, will become more important than religiosity with its rules, laws
and creeds.

The Rim is where we are set in our fundamental religious ways. As we open to learning about each other, we begin to journey to the center where GOD is the Hub. At this point all religions and spiritual practices are valid and Love is the core. (Kenney) Rumi said:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field and I will meet you there.”
Pluralism is the Hub, the field, where we all realize, no one and no religion is better than another. We meet there with mutual love and respect.