Bringing in the NEW YEAR


Dear Friends,

We had a few cancellations for the Labyrinth Walk so I will bring some of the ideas to you in a nutshell. Each one of you can perform your own ritual of releasing the old and bringing in the new. Enjoy the process!

All wisdom traditions have light coming from darkness giving way to
a new beginning.
Just as:
Dark days of winter move into longer and lighter days.
Crisis and Tragedy brings forth blessings.
Loss brings forth new opportunities and spiritual growth.
We Honor and Release the past & what no longer serves us.
We are grateful and bless our past, present and future.
We know with every ending there is a new beginning.
We expand on the past and take our learnings with us.

What GIFT, blessing , goodness or learning did you receive,
and did not expect in 2021?

What no longer serves you? Person, place, thing?
Is it an item of clothing, a garage full of “stuff?” Is it a job, a toxic friend or family member? Is it worry, anger , unforgiveness, guilt, feeling unworthy or not good enough? These attitudes are barriers built against love for others and especially for yourself. Ernest Holmes says,
“Through the power of LOVE we can let go of past history and begin again!”
We can choose to let go of any hurt and forgive ourselves and others.
Forgiveness opens up our heart for love.


Write down all that no longer serves you, and what you do not want to carry with you into 2022. Burn the paper safely. It is a great way to physically and mentally release any burdens, love blocks, physical, mental, and/or emotional.
If burning is not an option, tear the paper into tiny pieces and drop it in a bin.
What used to seem LARGE, is now tiny and dissipating completely.

What are you grateful for? What do you appreciate? These can be from
the past, the present and into the future. Always be grateful for what is coming.
If you have a small glass candle holder, write your gratitude words on the glass and put a candle in it. Metallic pens work best. The LIGHT will shine through your words. Read your words daily to stay in an attitude of gratitude.


What is the word from the Divine that will be your compass
in 2022?
In ancient days a White Stone signified a prisoner’s release from prison.
He was FREE. Your white stone today can also be your symbol of FREEDOM. You have released what no longer serves you, you are FREE to BE who you want to be and do what you want to do.
First, find a stone and ask God, Your Higher Consciousness, Higher Power what word will be your touchstone, compass, guiding light for 2022.
Write it on the stone with a black marker. Keep it near you daily.










What is the Universe’s (God’s) GIFT to you in 2022?
What do you want? What brings you JOY, Happiness? Create the story you wish to star in. Use you imagination and write it down as the next chapter in your life! Picture it daily.








What GIFT can you give the Universe (God)?
The world needs what you have to offer. What unique talents, skills and abilities do you have? How do you want to be remembered. Write it down
as if it already happened!