I Can Do That!

Dear  Friends,
     I was reading the April Science of Mind magazine  and loved the article about
 “I Can Do That”. Do you remember when you were a child, or even older, and saw someone do something that made you feel in AWE of the person?  Not only in AWE, but a deep feeling inside that told you, “YOU can do that also!”  The article mentioned author Dan Brown who had that
“I Can Do This” moment while reading books by Sidney Sheldon and Robert Ludlum.  He went on to write, The Da Vinci Code.
I remember attending the Ice Capades in Chicago with my parents as a child and thought that very thought, “I can do that!”  My childhood exuberance was a bit over the top, however my dad started taking me to the outdoor ice rink and I had a blast learning how to skate. What fun and joy it gave me.
I also remember sitting in my third grade classroom listening to my teacher and I thought, I can do this.  I want to be a teacher when I grow up. And so I did!  I taught pre-school and elementary school for 20 years.
I also thought I would be a really good minister’s wife.  Little did I know I would BE a minister, then marry a minister. 🙂
God’s bit of humor!
The “I Can Do That” attitude comes deep within our soul.  It is a feeling, an intuition, a still small voice, that is telling us, pursue what gives you joy, fun and  purpose.   Even if you fall short of a dream, just being on the journey is an adventure and blessed because one road not completed may lead you to another road which you do complete. Any time you admire a quality in another person, the fact that you “recognize it” means there is that special quality within you as well. God may use it in a different way, but it is there!
Many are celebrating the resurrection of Christ Jesus during this Easter season because he showed us the way to live and to love.  He even told us,
“What I Do, YOU Can Do Also, and Even Greater Things.”
There are no limits to our soul’s purpose.  What we came in to do is only ours to do and the doors will open for us when we Trust, have Faith and Surrender to God’s Highest Good for our lives. Mitch Horowitz in the article said:
“All achievement is a marriage of idealism and great execution.
The wanting alone is insufficient – there must be impeccable follow-through. But the journey can begin, and sometimes must begin, with that one spark of inner realization in which you say to yourself: I Can Do That!”
Pay Attention to the moment when your heart  says-
Know you have it in you.
Then do it!!!

Spirit is Calling You

Dear Friends,
Another year around the sun.  Time just flies by in the Cosmos of life.
As every year, 2016 had its highs and lows for each of us, whether it was personal, spiritual, emotional, physical, or political.  However in the Grand Universal Scheme of things we experienced the tiniest part of our eternal lives. And each tiny part is like a part of a grand puzzle where each is needed and important to complete. We are here because we are needed to bring God Consciousness and purpose onto this earth dimension. We are here to answer Spirit’s Call within us for God works in us, through us, as us because God is us!
In 2017,  What is Spirit Calling YOU to Do?
We just celebrated the birth and emerging of Christ Consciousness within us at Christmas time.  We now have an opportunity  in the coming new year to fully develop the urgency of God’s call birthing a NEW and awesome purpose and vision within us.  Rather than “wanting” a new car, new home, new relationship, new job, why not  be “willing” to surrender to a Higher Idea, Higher Purpose, Higher Call in your life from/as God.  Your soul is on a journey upward.  Ride it intentionally.  GOD ALWAYS HAS A BIGGER, BETTER, HIGHER, and more FULFILLING PLAN for your life than you can imagine. It will be new, it may be scary, and it will always be RIGHT for you. When the new idea emerges within you, know it is YOURS to do. God is speaking to you and only you for that particular Divine Idea.  So just relax and give in to IT, to the DIVINE WILL and soar in Spirit, Heart and Mind to new and greater avenues of God’s Good in your lives.  I guarantee  when you do, you will automatically receive much more than you asked for.
The Divine Outcome will surprise and amaze you.
Remember you are a beloved child of  God.
Know your UNION in and of God.
Surrender to the DIVINE Will within You!
Hear IT, Answer IT and say YES to IT.
Step into  2017 by birthing a new purpose and vision for your life.
Be the Christ Consciousness in the world  NOW.
Spirit is Calling you. What is Yours  to do?
Happy New Year, Happy New You.
Abigail and Steve

Be at Peace



Dear Friends,
    I have been drawn to the idea of PEACE these past few days. I was reading  about the breath in one of my favorite books, Spiritual Unfoldment.  It talked about breathing in the Breath of God and exhaling Love, Light and Peace  to the world, and to every living being. I also have a  rose on my meditation table that says, “Love is the Answer.” I know when I have a loving heart, I am at peace. And as I was pulling out my Christmas decorations and other decor, I hung up some guest finger towels that said “Peace.”  There are no coincidences. PEACE  was and is on my plate!
     During this time of year, what can be more important than to keep oneself at Peace, in heart, mind, soul and body.  With deep inner peace, there can only be openness and love.  The Beloved Jesus the Christ said,
“Peace I leave with you, Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
– John 14:27.
Today, as you sit, meditate, pray, and reflect, take in a deep cleansing breath then breathe deeply  bringing in all the Love and Peace of God.  As you exhale, send out the energy of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness to all those who you love and those who you do not.   We must remember the Spark of God is within ALL people, not just a few.  As we see the good, the good emerges. Instead of wasting time on what you do not like, spend precious moments on what you do want, such as peace love, and goodness.
What we see and feel is what we get.  What do you want?  See it, feel it. LOVE it.  Be at Peace.
With Love  and Peace,

Don’t Quit, Keep Going


Dear Friends,
Have you ever felt obstacles, hitches or impediments on your journey towards a dream, goal or even a vacation?
I think we have all had those experiences and just felt like giving up and “going home.’  Last Friday on our way to beautiful Sedona, AZ, Steve and I had those feelings. We were only going to be in Sedona for two days, Saturday and Sunday.  Our trip started out well and then we were inundated by traffic hold ups and road work.  By the time we got to Yuma, we almost decided to come home.  We could either spend another 3-4 hours coming home (due to road work) or spend another 5-6 hours  and actually arrive in Sedona.  Well, needless to say we continued onward!  There was only  one more bit of road work just outside Yuma and then it was clear sailing the rest of the way. We were SO GLAD we continued on our journey.
We had a wonderful time with another two couples staying in a beautiful time share. We took long spectacular hikes among the beautiful red rock hills and water falls, and watched a magnificent  sunset.  We experienced a Crystal Bowl Meditation, walked a lovely labyrinth, and went to a Tlaquepaque festival in downtown Sedona.  Coincidentally we  actually went to the real Tlaquepaque town in Mexico this past summer!  Steve and I also had a wonderful breakfast with our dear minister friend Rev. Dr.Jami Martin.  Such beauty in this sacred place and to think we almost gave up getting there!
Where ever you are on your journey, regardless of obstacles, rough patches or frustrations towards your goal, your dream or even starting off on a vacation, keep going, don/t quit.
You will never know the magnificence waiting for you around the next corner!

Hiking along trails leading to rivers, water falls  and beautiful rock-hills in the background.

red-rock-river Walking a Lovely Labyrinth in SedonalabyrinthRed Rock Hills just before Sunset red-rock-sunsetSunset in Sedona sunset



Consciousness Man in Light

“The degree to which your Consciousness expands, is the degree to which you understand yourself and the universe.”
– Gina Charles

Dear Friends,
The word “Armageddon” keeps coming to me, and I keep trying to avoid the many meanings tied to it. Personally I do not believe in the Armageddon where we all blow up on earth or God snaps a lightning bolt and we all die, or some of us leave and others stay..  I am coming to believe in an Armageddon of Consciousness.   Another idea for Armageddon may be the ‘day of reckoning.’ The Bible is a beautiful sacred book filled with mystery, miracles, religious beliefs, callings, healings, and  journeys of people. Some read it literally, some read it metaphorically.  However you read and believe it, it is still a journey of consciousness.
Today, we are creating our own personal book of life filled with our journey of consciousness, mystery, miracles, healings, beliefs and callings. As we look back on our secular history we can see the slow struggle we have had to rise in consciousness and accept the dignity and equality  of all men and women, no matter what race, gender, faith, creed etc.  And yet, some  seem to be taking some steps backwards in their journey of conscientiousness and book of life.  WE as CONSCIOUSNESS, DIVINE ENERGY, SPARKS of GOD must remain in HIGH MINDS and HEARTS especially during this political season and world times.  It truly is an Armageddon of Consciousness.
Where will you stand?
Will you remember GOD loves ALL Creation?   We are here as spiritual warriors, not to make war, but to send out vibrations of love.  As we do so, ALL will feel the strength, the wisdom, the compassion, the kindness, for the Consciousness of GOOD and LOVE are All powerful over anything unlike itself.
Look deep within and let go of anything, any thought, any words that may be harmful, hurtful to any person, place or thing. Do your own reckoning of life.
We are all connected as ONE. When we hug ourselves, the whole body feels good.
Let us send Love and Hug All people so the whole world feels good.
Imagine a world…. where LOVE Reigns!

Earth with Heart Shapes
Love, Hugs and Hearts,
Abigail and Steve

Contentment Consciousness

KITE FlyingYou will find truth more quickly through delight than gravity.
Let out a little more string on your kite.
Alan Cohen
(April Science of Mind Magazine)

How many times have you asked God, “What am I to do today?  What is my purpose?  How can I serve better, do more, contribute higher etc.?”  I know I am always asking how to serve and do more.  When I read a passage from the Science of Mind magazine Daily Guides, I resonated with the April 25th, 2016 “Energy of Fun.”  written by Rev. Jane Beach.  She wrote,
” If you spend the day blissed-out with your nose in a good book your pet curled up beside you, you contribute peace, joy and serenity to the universe. Remember, you don’t have to be doing something “constructive” to contribute – the vibration of your contented energy is a blessing. Giving yourself permission to just BE is a gift you give to the world.”
Does that ring a bell,  & create an Aha moment for you?
We can do just as much to raise the consciousness of the world by being contented, quiet, slowed down and doing something fun, and easy.  That is a powerful energy to emanate.  Our pets, our mechanical gadgets, the day’s flow and even the weather will respond to it. Whenever you have that feeling of needing to do more, STOP and just BE. Take time to play, find joy, read, dance, sing  and do whatever makes you happy.  The world will  appreciate  your contribution of contented energy!
Blessings and Bliss

Faith in Action

Dear Friends,
There are times when you need to put your FAITH in ACTION.  Last week Revs. Drs. Abigail and Steve joined in the annual foot washing  on Holy Thursday at the San Diego Civic Center.   We, along with many leaders from many faith traditions came to support the women janitors who clean the buildings in San Diego. We listened to their stories and gently washed their feet.  It was a humbling and beautiful experience.
Please read what Christi Bohan of Pax Christi Catholic Non-violent Peacemakers wrote;
“On Holy Thursday this past week, we participated in the march and foot washing of our San Diego janitors to support an increase wage, and to stop the sexual harassment, exploitation, and rape of female janitors. It was a very powerful and emotional march as one of the janitors carrying a huge wooden cross led us on a walk in downtown San Diego during the lunch time hour as us, the walkers, sang “Here we are Lord” and “Amazing Grace.” The police cleared one side of the road as onlookers stopped to see what was going on as we sang and held signs to support our janitors. We walked a few blocks to the Civic Center Plaza where we heard personal stories of the janitors plight. Various religious leaders shared their thoughts and gave their blessings. Bishop McElroy and two other Bishops from other faiths also were present and talked about their solidarity with the janitors. A major Muslim leader, Imam Taha Hassane, got huge applause when he shared “I want to be caught doing social justice” referring to one of the comments from one of the presidential candidates insinuating Muslims don’t do their part in promoting social justice. Bishop McElroy made a point to acknowledge the tragedy in Belgium to this Muslim leader. One of the signs we held at the march said, “All religions want justice.” To wrap up the talks, the religious leaders and others who wanted to could wash the feet of the janitors and those that wanted their feet wash. It was a great way to see in action what Jesus did for us and how he wants us to serve each other.”
Here are a few photos.


Abigail and CarmenSteve and SydelleFootwashing



Dear Friends,

I heard on the news this is “Acts of Kindness Week.”

Many schools and children in the San Diego area are truly embracing this declaration.  As I was reading the “Science of Mind” magazine this morning it too was referring to “Small Courtesies” and small kindnesses.  It said “small kindnesses should be routine…a frequent behavior.” Practicing kindness embraces ONENESS. Kindness is the energy of LIFE sharing and being as ONE entity. I am ONE with you and you are ONE with me.  When we forget this truth and our alignment with the ONE GOD, One Life, One Mind, we tend to forget to Live a life of Kindness, compassion. Being in service is taking the time to be mindful of our brothers and sisters in need. As part of my morning spiritual practice I will include this affirmation;

Today I will mindfully do One Act of Kindness.

I know what goes around comes around so I am expecting an absolutely Glorious day filled with joy and happiness!

And so it is….


Happy Thanksgiving

.gratitude-girlGratitude is not only a virtue but it also is part of a practical philosophy of daily life.  There is no wiser way of living than to remember every morning what Life has given us, and to lift up our thought in thankfulness for every bounty we possess.
-Ernest Holmes.


November 24, 2015
At this time, when so many  unhappy, sad and shocking events are happening around the world, let us take time every day and many times during the day to give thanks to our Creator for our life, our freedom and our creative minds which can see a world full of love, joy and peace. Let us move past the barriers of appearances and continue to ALWAYS Know the TRUTH of our being and every ones. We are children of the most HIGH GOD. We are all created from the Divine Source. We all have God’s DNA in us. What is true for one is true for all.  When we know the truth, see the truth, feel the truth, the vibrational energy widely spreads across time and space, countries, continents and every person, animal, thing on earth.   YES, what we feel and think is that important in the universe!  LOVE is the healing , vibrational energy of  The ONE.
All there is, is GOD, therefore, ALL there is is LOVE. All there is, is ONE.
Let us know our ONENESS as God, Life and All there is.


The 4 C’s

cleanDear Friends,

On my walk this morning I was divinely guided to come back home and begin CLEANING!  I love the 4 C’sCleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter!
I find when I begin cleaning and clearing out the garage, other areas that need attending follow, like closets, and cabinets under sinks.  It is a wonderful time to Free the mind from normal activities and enjoy the freedom of giving things away, either to the library, Goodwill or the hungry gray trashbin! 🙂  I also find thoughts come up to reflect on and then let go. The same with cleaning out “items,’ we let go of what no longer serves us and we make way for new good in our lives! What a refreshing way to clean!
Today a NEW idea came to mind for me to look at, and think about.  This new thought was really not new, but I felt it at a deeper level.  I was feeling my Spirit think, and reflect, as I envisioned my brain. I am grateful for my brain and yet my spirit, my consciousness is alive and well with or without my body brain.  My Consciousness is Spirit and is the one doing the thinking, the work, the Being.  I blessed my body as the container for my True Self.  I felt  “At Home” in my Spirit Self.
All that, from cleaning the garage!  It was a profound experience, one I am not telling very well.  Some experiences cannot be explained, just felt.
Are you ready for something NEW?  Allow the
4 C’s to flow. Cleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter.
Be Free!4Cs