Release the “Button Pushers.”

“Everybody has a hot button. Who is pushing yours? While you probably cannot control that person, you CAN control the way you react to them.”

'Maybe if your buttons weren't so big, Mel, people wouldn't be so inclined to push them!'

Dear Friends,

What brings PEACE to your soul?  This Wednesday, August 5th from 2-3:30pm we will have our “Prayers for Self Peace” and Labyrinth Walk.  Please go to the Events button on this newsletter and click AFC.

We will talk about :
5  Key Ways to create Self Peace in your life.
One of those ways is “Releasing those who Push Your Buttons.”
We have all met someone who just makes the hair on our neck stand on end. Who is that person for you?  When we know our spiritual purpose is to Love more, Forgive more and Find the God within all people, places and things, who is not to say, that “PYB” person isn’t here to be your teacher to help you do just those things. On a soul level he or she wants you to see  him or her from a higher perspective. There is a greater purpose happening and we need to view it as God views it. Not only will you be releasing your negative feelings about the person, you will be releasing any form of victim hood in your relationship with him or her. When you do that, you are living from your Higher Self. Living this way  brings both Peace and Freedom in your life.

As you Walk the Labyrinth, take the person with you in mind and heart to the center. This is the symbol for the center of your Soul, your God Self, your Spirit. Discover the message from the Divine and walk out with a renewed, restored, revived love, joy and peace at heart regarding this person and yourself.

Center of Lab Praying Child Crystals

Just Start Walking…


Just start walking and the way will be made known.”
-Swami Chinmayananda (5.8.1916 – 8.3.1993)
Founder of the Chinmaya Missions

Steve and I had the privilege of attending the movie documentary, “On a Quest” the life story of Swami Chinmayananda, the founder of the Chinmaya Missions located all over the world. One mission is here in Poway, CA. We loved learning about this amazing man.  He went from being a social activist to being an atheist, and then finding the right teacher and his true path.  Every step of the way he sought greater truths to learn and live by,
The quote above came from the movie. What a truth affirmation!  Whatever we want to do, or find our purpose  all we need to do is take the first step. Our heart, our intentions  go before us.  The way becomes clear when we make the first move, take an affirmative action, and just start walking.
What is your passion?  What is your purpose?
Today, what is the ONE thing you can do to move you forward towards it?

Do it, Be it, Live it!

February is Black History Month

Black AmericansWe would like to honor our African American brothers and sisters during the Black History month of February.   We have all been blessed by the many talented, skilled, intelligent  athletes, authors, civil rights leaders, activists, entertainers, inventors, scientists, educators, politicians, lawyers, government leaders, singers and musicians. It was a mile stone in High Consciousness U.S. history for us to elect an African American President, Barrack Obama.  Walls and barriers are coming down!

The whole idea of anyone being biased or prejudiced against any person whose skin color is a shade different seems ludicrous.  We all came from the ONE GOD so we are all connected at the CORE of our being. Science has proven skin color in the genes is only different by a minimal .1 percent. Different shades only increase the beauty in diversity as the colors in a flower garden.

Amazing Grace
“At Carnegie Hall, gospel singer, Wintley Phipps delivers perhaps the most powerful rendition of “Amazing Grace” ever recorded.  He says, “A lot of people don’t realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano. Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like  a West African sorrow chant.  And it has a haunting, plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that’s in bondage.  We feel it. It’s just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history.”  After sharing the noteworthy history of the song Mr. Phipps delivers a stirring performance that bring the audience to its feet!”
Watch and enjoy this amazing video

What Feeds Your Soul?

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
-Marcus Aurelius

Sunrise over hills
What FEEDS your Soul?
I love to get up early in the morning when it is still dark and mystical outside.  Lately I have been at my meditation chair looking out the patio window just as the sun was rising.  It was gorgeous and glorious.  I watched as the clouds went from mystical white pink to increasing glorious hot pink, orange, purple and then simmering back down to pale pink, orange, purple and then white. It was God’s symphony in the morning. The soft beginning, rising to a crescendo and then falling back to a lovely quiet ending.  This FEEDS my soul every morning.
I am always in awe of the wonder of God’s Expression in nature.  The hills reflected the color as they met the new day.  It was so beautiful, so magical, so God being God!
Find the time before you start your day to discover what feeds your soul to carry you through the day in a mind/heart place of gratitude, peace, love, compassion and joy. All you feel reflects who you show up to be everyday.
What feeds your soul?
Love to you all.

My Best Possible Version of Myself

Best Version by Steve Mariboli   I was reading the daily inspiration by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind magazine and the phrase that stood out for me was, “The Best Possible Version of Ourselves.”  So I asked myself, “What is the best possible version of myself?”  I began a list and when I thought I was done, it was pretty amazing.  My best self is when I am really being ME, the Higher Me, the God me, practicing my Christ Consciousness. All of it is truly ME. What a wonderful question to ask yourself when annoyances, or unexpected challenges come up.  “What is the best possible me in this moment? ” How can I express and relate as my God Self? What words would my Christ Consciousness say?  This concept is familiar because we have heard the phrase, “What would Jesus do, or What would Buddha or Krishna do?”  The difference is, we are not trying to BE like our master avatars, we are deciding to BE the Master/Avatar of our own Self.  That to me is truly transforming. The Holy Zohar, the Book of Avraham says, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions; we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light…. When someone does a wrong deed, or says an unkind word to you, stop for a moment, close your eyes and ask yourself, ‘What is the best possible version of myself in this moment?” Bring it forward with thoughts of love, feelings of compassion and acts of kindness. That is your True Self being YOU.

Happiness is Like JAM

What is Happiness?

Happiness-like-jamRflatJI love this quote.
I believe this is true.  The more we make a choice to spread happiness around with a smile, a kind word, a helping hand, a charitable act,  the more returns to us as a happy encounter, a happy phone call, a happy opportunity, a happy day.  Being happy is always a choice. We can make it daily as we step out of bed, in our prayers, meditations and in all the busyness of the day.  So if you want happiness, BE the first one to give it.

Be the JAM today. Create a little happiness for another person and watch  the benefits flow in all directions including yours.


Reducing the Fear

Another Benefit of Interfaith Relationships is it reduces the BARRIERS of FEAR. When we are fearful we allow prejudice and misunderstandings guide our thoughts and actions. When we begin to understand another person’s faith, prejudice and Misunderstanding dissipate, myths and lies are brought to light.. We FEAR what we do not understand.


Awakened World

As we approach the designated 2013 year of an Awakened World Consciousness, we are all discovering what that really means.

A dramatic shift is happening in Consciousness regardless of what the news media is reporting.  There are millions already living the Awakened World Consciousness and putting it into practice daily. What does that mean and what does that look like?

We often hear the phrase “All Paths lead to God”  in our churches and centers and even other faith’s services. What we really mean is “All Paths lead to Our God Consciousness!”  For isn’t that really what we yearn for on our spiritual journey?  The first phrase suggests there is a God outside ourselves, a God in the sky, higher and far away and somehow with some luck, prayers and good thoughts and pixie dust we just might get there.  What if on our spiritual journey we discover we are ALREADY there and don’t know it.   Within ourselves is the Spirit of Divine Harmony and JOY. Within ourselves is the Divine potential we call Cosmic (GOD, Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Brahma) Consciousness.   It is time to recognize this Truth within us.

Be Still and Know That I AM God.  When you say this to yourselves, who are you saying it to? YOUR own God Self.  Scripture says we are created in the Image and Likeness of God.  Therefore we have been created out of our Loving Source. We have THAT MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE Within us already and IT is saying, ‘Come know your True Self, your Divinity.’  Every person in every faith tradition has the seed of Cosmic Consciousness potential within them.  Now it is time to practice using it, being it, doing it.

Ask yourself this week, If I really am the Mighty I AM and embody Divine Consciousness, how would l live my life this week?