My Best Possible Version of Myself

Best Version by Steve Mariboli   I was reading the daily inspiration by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind magazine and the phrase that stood out for me was, “The Best Possible Version of Ourselves.”  So I asked myself, “What is the best possible version of myself?”  I began a list and when I thought I was done, it was pretty amazing.  My best self is when I am really being ME, the Higher Me, the God me, practicing my Christ Consciousness. All of it is truly ME. What a wonderful question to ask yourself when annoyances, or unexpected challenges come up.  “What is the best possible me in this moment? ” How can I express and relate as my God Self? What words would my Christ Consciousness say?  This concept is familiar because we have heard the phrase, “What would Jesus do, or What would Buddha or Krishna do?”  The difference is, we are not trying to BE like our master avatars, we are deciding to BE the Master/Avatar of our own Self.  That to me is truly transforming. The Holy Zohar, the Book of Avraham says, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions; we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light…. When someone does a wrong deed, or says an unkind word to you, stop for a moment, close your eyes and ask yourself, ‘What is the best possible version of myself in this moment?” Bring it forward with thoughts of love, feelings of compassion and acts of kindness. That is your True Self being YOU.