Happy Father’s Day

Is Your SOUL Calling?
Embody this beautiful prayer treatment on your Soul’s Calling by
Rev. Sunshine Daye, Spiritual Director at Downey Center for Spiritual Living
in Downey, CA. (Science of Mind Magazine June issue)
Feel and Know the Truth of your being and hear what the Soul of God within you is guiding you to do.
“The Soul’s Call”
“There is one power, one presence, one life. That life is God. I believe in God and nothing else. This magnificent Intelligence is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere present, I know It as love, as joy, as freedom and as power.
This life has created all from Itself; therefore, I am the unique unrepeatable, glorious way the Most High expresses in human form. This power and presence is my life, and this is the truth for all. God expresses in, through and as all.
From this place of power and love, I speak the word over all life as one.
I declare my soul beautifully paints and colors the canvas of our world.
I listen to the indwelling broadcast of my soul.
I am obedient to this call as it guides me toward the highest and the best.
This driving essence within me say yes to that which is for the fullest expression of all life. When I experience a dark night of the soul, I remember and celebrate my soul’s calling for rest, reassurance and a return to what
is real.
When it is good in my soul, only richness and plenitude is produced. ‘My soul sings out to you, my Love’ as the demonstration of overflow in my life. I accept this sweet invitation of abundant joy.
From this place of deep appreciation and thanksgiving for my soul’s call, I release this word into the loving law that makes manifest this prayer.
Moment by moment, I joyfully confirm the evidence of the answer.
And now it is.”
Hearing my Soul,
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
We have talked about watering new “seeds,” nurturing and following through with new thoughts, ideas, adventures and following God’s lead. It takes courage to take a leap of faith and “begin again.”
As soon as we realize we can start over, with a new job, new activity, new purpose we humble ourselves and allow the Divine to open within us to make the changes necessary.
At this new stage of beginning we must activate our faith because we do not always see the outcome ahead of time. We may still feel like we are in a time of trial and tribulation. However, remember the Bible verse ”
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
(Isaiah 65:24 NIV)
We all live in an amazing field of possibilities just ready to be activated. We do that by speaking our word. Our thoughts and words create our reality and manifest our needs and wants. There is no thought or prayer that is unheard or unanswered. It may take time or be different than what we expected, however IT WILL BE ANSWERED!!!
We are co-creators with God. What we experience or manifest corresponds directly with what we think, pray, affirm, and KNOW. God is our source,
our supply, our abundance and the answer to every prayer.
There is no lack in the Universe. We may block our answer by thinking we
don’t have enough, whether it is money, friends, job, purpose. Activate your faith by saying, “I do have enough. All my needs are met. I choose to accept a NEW perspective on this situation.”
In Prayer, Always Declare!
(The Universe doesn’t understand begging. Begging implies doubt.)
Speak your word, your prayer AS IF it has already happened, because it has.
Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear
Declaring with Faith, Knowing it is done, and so it is….!
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
“The only people who should be allowed to govern countries with nuclear weapons are mothers, those who are still breast-feeding their babies.”
― Tsutomu Yamaguchi
What an absolutely truth filled quote. Women understand the preciousness of LIFE, after carrying a child for 9 months, giving painful birth and watching
the miracle of her baby grow and learn. She only wants to protect this child and do what is best for him or her. YES, Women need to be running the world
countries and especially ones with devastating weapons!
Two ladies in the 1800’s were instrumental in bringing about a celebration of Mothers. One was Anna Jarvis who began a Mother’s Friendship Day in 1868.
The other woman was Julia Howe who wrote the first Mothers Day Proclamation in 1870 asking ALL WOMEN to work and pray for World Peace.
Just imagine if women came to power in the 1800’s, had the vote, the right to own property, and thought of as equals with men, our world would be a different place today.
We may not have gone through WW1 or WW2, the Korean war or Viet Nam. As much as we need men and the male consciousness for balance, the Divine Feminine is needed now more
than ever in leadership roles.
We are still praying and working for World Peace 151 years later. We bless our men and unfortunately they still hold all the power. Now is the time for WOMEN to step up,
take charge, be the change. Taking on a new job, or more responsibility can be frightening, however, we need YOUR DIVINE FEMININE voice and consciousness to come forth,
and shine brightly. Young moms, raise your daughters to be strong, compassionate and access their abilities to the fullest. Raise your sons to be compassionate and strong
as peacemakers, conflict resolution leaders. Help your boys see there is always another way besides war. STOP giving guns and toy soldiers to your boys. Our whole attitude
and consciousness must change. Boys must access their Divine Feminine and girls must access their Divine Masculine qualities. Being in balance will always move us toward
the highest and greatest good for ALL.
Mother’s Day may only be celebrated once a year, however we can celebrate mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, female relatives and friends
every day of the year by encouraging them to rise up, be who they were intended to be, incredible souls here on earth to bring peace, love and harmony to the world.
Strong Peace,
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
At our last POINT Interfaith Team Meeting, Jeff Blanton, founder and President of the Blanton Group, spoke to us about how he is dedicated to guiding business professionals to find the meaning of work by aligning their personal purpose, calling and passion to what they do. We had a thought provoking discussion on bringing faith, spirituality and values into the work place, and business environment.
This idea reminded me of when I began a “prayer time” at my last school before retirement. I know religion in schools is frowned upon and kept separate unless it is a parochial school. I was fortunate to get permission from the principle to have it once a week for the teachers early in the morning, well before school began. It was a beautiful experience for the few of us who met consistently. We were of different faiths and yet we prayed for the well being of each other and the school, teachers and parents. I have not heard of any other teacher doing this, and hopefully there are others implementing an inclusive prayer time for teachers in other schools around the nation and globe.
My question is, why can’t we bring in the idea of authentically pursuing company goals with core values guiding the way in the business world!? All faith traditions have core values of love, peace, compassion, kindness, integrity, and ethics. Jeff said the companies who have core values as part of their mission are successful and prosperous. I would think meetings and business proposals could be based on the good of all parties, rather than making one the winner and the other the loser. When it is a WIN WIN, everyone is happier, works harder and better.
What job/occupation do you have? How are you bringing your core faith values into the decision making process wherever you work and whatever you do?
Real Estate
Businesses local and national
Profit/ Non-Profit
Medical offices/hospitals
Police, Fire
and more…..
How are you lifting up, encouraging, respecting each other in your work place?
Are you honoring the different faiths knowing some people will need time off for their holy days?
Are you aware and sensitive to food preferences/needs whether they are religious, vegan or vegetarian?
Are you promoting positive talk with people and stepping in to stop implicit racist/bias talk?
How are you showing you care for the PERSON who works for you?
He/she is not just a place holder in a chair in an open office area. This is a person with a life outside the office, with family, friends, a gender preference, a faith community, and sacred traditions.
Are you honoring all people regardless of faith, gender, race or culture?
And again, how are you bringing your personal core values to work and allowing them to guide your words and way each day?
Roy Disney said,
“It is not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.”
Practicing Our Values,
Abigail and Steve
March 30, 2021
Dear Friends,
Our hearts go out to all the family and friends of those who died in the horrific mass shootings in Georgia and in Boulder the past two weeks.
The ALL FAITH CENTER stands in solidarity with people of all colors, ethnicities, cultures and faiths.
We are all ONE Humanity and our inhuman cruelty must end. The .01% that appears to make us “different” is inconsequential.
“Race is a Social Concept, Not a Scientific One. Data show that the DNA of any two human beings is 99.9 percent identical, and we all share the same set of genes…”
There is no validity to the term “race.” The concept of race is manmade.
It is time for those who hate “differences” to wake up and realize, Spirit, the Divine, God, Allah, however you wish to call our Creator, does not take sides, shows no preference, sees no differences and Loves us equally. It is our job to love equally as well. That is why we are here on earth. For God is in ALL of us! Essential values are inherent in all faith traditions. Humanists, agnostics and atheists also hold kindness and compassion in the highest esteem. We are all human, living on the same earth connected together in the Divine Web of Life.
As we pray for those suffering loss, we must pray for all those who have thoughts of hatred and killing. We are ONE Family and our prayers influence everyone in the field of mind.
We are at the brink of transformation and transmutation. Light a candle and say a prayer for all of humanity to evolve into a higher consciousness of love, compassion, kindness and peace.
In Oneness,
Abigail and Steve
March 23, 2020
Dear Friends,
“We are all CELLS in the body of God.”
Deepak Chopra
(quote shared from
Rev. Michelle Medrano)
“I am a LINK in the chain of creation….”
Detra Johnson RScP (April Science of Mind magazine)
I love these beautiful truths. It is so important to really feel like a cell, a link, in our humanity. Every cell has its place in the body, designed to do and be itself. Each cell is needed for the body to function. When one cell goes down, all cells are affected. When one cell is infected, all cells come to its aid to help it heal. We need to remember that our souls and our bodies are here for each other. We need to care for each other in the body of God.
Nature is teaching us, we as humans are completely connected to each other, to the environment, and to animals. As you can see in the picture above, the roots of the trees are all connected. They feel each others pain and joy. When one hurts, they all hurt. We can also see the hurt of people everyday, when we read the papers and watch TV. We cannot say, “Oh that is not me…” I say, YES it is me. I am ONE with and as that person. I am not separate. Animals are also entwined and connected to us. When we see elephants, whales, dolphins and other animals being hurt, abused or killed, it affects us. They too are important cells in the body of God. We are linked to them as well.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.”
How can we help and support our brothers and sisters, who have less than us, How can we help bring a little joy to them and to our animal friends, and mother nature? What is ours to do?
Each one of us must make the decision to lend our support.
We can:
Say daily prayers,
Light a candle,
Give financially to organizations that: help cloth and feed the homeless,
care for animals, work to preserve our environment.
Protest peacefully for causes that support equity and equality.
Write letters to your government officials on pending laws and legislation.
Write letters to your local newspapers expressing your opinion.
Read stories to children about our oneness and connectedness with all.
Take a walk among the trees and listen to their wisdom.
What other action fills and moves your heart?
As you take action, affirm:
I am a cell in the body of God.
I am a link in the chain of creation.
I give to and support others, for others are myself.
In Oneness,
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
We have all heard the spiritual phrase,
“We Are All Connected!” Sometimes we hear it and say it so often, we lose touch with the actual meaning.
Eugene Holden, RScP said,
“There is nothing we can look at that is not connected to us. The mere act of seeing an object connects us to it.
This holds true for the sounds we hear, the fragrances we smell and the things we physically touch.”
(SoM March Magazine)
I love the quote above as well, which says, “We are all Connected.
Our actions are like waves touching all things.” I like to think of the waves being sacred. I felt a sacred connection as
I sat beneath my beautiful Blue Spruce tree this morning. I put my hand on its branch and felt connected through touch.
I felt connected to the hummingbird who came near me with its sweet humming sound. I felt connected to the new flowers
I planted smelling their fragrance while standing near to them. My energy went forth from my eyes, ears, and nose as well as my heart and mind.
My whole body was a sacred wave connecting with and touching all things.
Even when picking up a book, there is a wave of connecting energy between
our hand, heart, eyes. Everything and everyone is waving energy. We are continually sending this wave to everyone and all things.
Every wave is SACRED. You are a sacred influencer. Consider today, what energy wave is going forth from you…. a wave of love, joy, peace, forgiveness,
or is your wave one of anxiety, anger, frustration or fear?
Everything blossoms with the wave of LOVE enfolding and encircling them. Not only does this apply for people we love, nature, pets, plants,
it applies to those we do not like. If we could stop a moment and send a kind thought to a person who is completely opposite in thought, word and deed as you, it will be felt. We are so connected EVERYTHING is felt. Perhaps that one kind word or thought will influence the person in a way we could not imagine.
Today let us be a SACRED WAVE OF LOVE in ACTION with our heart, mind, eyes, ears, nose and hands, so that every part of us connects,
and is a Loving influence in the world!