Dear Friends,

I love the quote . God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.

God loves us uniquely and individually.  God expressed Its Love by creating us.

I am, and we are created out of the LOVE of God. This Love is already within us to give and to share.

Let us BE LOVE and say “I Am Love.  I Am Love Expressing”

Love is the essence of our being.  Let us remember that idea, especially this Friday, on Valentines Day.

I love the line in the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer that says,

“Endow me with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs 

to grow and flourish.”

We grow and flourish with love.   On Valentine’s Day we of course share our gifts, kisses and hugs with our loved ones.  Perhaps on this day we can go out of our way and extend that love, and BE God Expressing to others as well. Everyone needs to be loved, noticed, accepted, and encouraged.  As you are out with your loved one, notice who might need an extra smile, a friendly word.  If you are out to dinner, tip generously, don’t complain about a meal not up to your expectation. Remember our servers are working on the day they would probably rather be with their loved ones. Smile and say thank you.

Other ways to be Love Expressing:

Open a door for someone at the store,

Talk with the checkout person. They are people with lives too.

Say hi, smile and say thank you  to the person who is pushing the carts back to the store.

Call a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them.

Go out with friends who do not have companions.

REACH OUT and people will reach out to you.

Be creative and ask Spirit, ” How can I be your loving expression to all I meet?”  We know what goes around comes around. Call it Karma, call it the Law of Attraction, call it the boomerang affect.  It works.  For your wonderful outward expression of love and kindness, don’t be surprised when a flurry of love and blessings return to you

GODS Love is first. Without IT, we could not love.  As the scripture says,

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you.”

Seek and Express the Love of God within, and Love will rebound to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Much Love to you,

Abigail and Steve

Pain Pushes Until Vision Pulls

Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful time at the Visioning and Vision Board event last Saturday.
I want to share the Visioning Questions with you, so you may go into a prayerful
meditation and ASK what is it you are meant to do NOW in your life.
Although there were only two of us creating Vision Boards, we both felt
new Divine Ideas came through us and we incorporated these ideas onto our Vision Board.
It is never too late to “begin again.”  In fact, everyday we are re-creating our life.
Everyday is a New Day to begin again.  I don’t believe in missed opportunities.
Sometimes we ignore our God inner voice, however God never gives up and in time we are pushed,
pulled or plummeted into the Divine Idea and/or plan God has for us.
If you are in doubt or just don’t know what to do next in your life, here are some tips.
Sit quietly
Say a favorite prayer
Meditate and acknowledge God as your inner voice and inner intelligence.
Walk a finger labyrinth or come walk our labyrinth on your own time.
Ask yourself these questions, one at a time,  then write out the answer for each one.
(based on Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith’s Visioning Process)
What is the highest idea/God’s idea of the purpose for my life?
What is the highest idea/God’s idea of my expression and activities?
What must I become in order to welcome these high ideas into my experience?
What must I release?
What must I embrace?
What is the gift I give to the higher purpose and activities in my life?
What is the gift I receive?
Anything else?
Sit quietly with your answers
Create a Vision Board with words, photos, pictures, favorite sayings, sacred verses,
and a spiritual symbol.
View your VB everyday and affirm, “This or Something Better.”
5 Step Prayer Treatment (New Thought)
God is All There Is, in All Through All
I Am One in, as and of God
I ask, accept and declare……..
I give thanks with joy and gratitude.
I release, let go, and let God bring forth the Divine Outcome.
And So It Is Amen.
Some favorite prayers of mine are:
Show Me How to Take
Who I Am
Who I Want To Be
What I Can Do
And Use It For A Purpose
Greater Than Myself
-Dr. Marin Luther King
Have me go where you would have me go.
Have me do what you would have me do.
Have me say what you would have me say, and to whom.
-Marianne Williamson.
Go confidently in the direction
of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.
-Henry David ThoreauDREAM and DREAMER
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember you have within you
the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars
to change the world.
–         Harriet Tubman

Remember every day is a new day and  you may ‘start over’ any minute, hour, day, or month of the year.
Visioning Everyday,
Abigail and Steve

Speak Up Stand Up – Vote!

Dear Friends,
I read the above quote by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and it spoke to me in many ways. Over the past few years, I have found myself speaking up and standing up for my colleagues and friends of different faiths, cultures and color.
After several printed letters to the editor of local and major newspapers and other writings, I  received several pieces of hate mail.  I still write because I have a voice and it needs to be heard.  YOU have a voice that needs to be heard.  Our constitution gives you that right.
Unfortunately a  new wave of racism and hatred has stormed this wonderful United States of America and we have a responsibility to both pray and do the human footsteps. It reminded me of the people in Germany  before WW2 when the Nazi’s were coming into power.  No one stood up and said they were criminal and immoral to ostracize the Jewish people, put a star on their clothing and then take them away never to be seen again.  Too many people were silent.
In our country today we have the same kind of hate and prejudice that preceded the war and so many other wars.  It is time to stand up and stop it!
We as citizens of the United States of America have the power to VOTE!
As this  2020 election draws closer, let us read about the candidates  and elect those who exemplify a high consciousness of honesty, integrity, compassion, justice, lawfulness, fairness, decency, trustworthiness, sincerity and goodness.
Those in office now, who do not demonstrate these qualities, are like weeds in the garden and need to be pulled out, not re-elected.
Let us NOT be silent about the things that matter to us or we will be silenced and our life will end as we know it.

New Perspective New Vision







Dear Friends,

Every new year we have the opportunity to let go of the old and bring in the NEW. With the year being 2020 we are hearing themes based on:
2020 Vision- A New Look on Life
2020 Seeing Clearing
2020 New View, New You….
I am all for having a clear and new vision for 2020!  In fact I propose we really adopt that idea and  SEE possibilities not only from our point of view, but from others as well.   We all know if people are standing on four corners of an intersection and watch an accident happen, the police interviewing each one will receive a slightly different interpretation of what happened. As the officers  put all the facts and opinions together, the whole truth begins to emerge.
In 2020 let us resolve to see clearly on the various situations, issues, and difficulties that may arise in our lives.  When we want to see only our way as being the truth, we are standing on one corner of the intersection.  When are hearts and minds are open, we can walk to the other three corners and listen to what views other people have.  Every person with a certain perspective has life experiences that affect their perspective. When we understand the person, we understand his or her view.  We do not have to agree, we just need to make an effort to understand.  Let us BE the one that brings all corners and viewpoints together to create a greater understanding of all situations.
2020 Vision – Let us see clearly and bring Truth to Light.


Dear Friends,
Today is a NEW Day and a NEW Year! Let us be joyful and glad in it!
When  we wake and realize we are still here, we know there is still wondrous things to be done, places to go and sights to see. We have been gifted another day on earth to BE an emissary of God, Spirit, Divine Love.
What will you do with your day?
Remember you are both an emissary of God and God Itself showing up as YOU.
As the quote above says, “…what you long for already exists within you!”
Today may take you on a path that will fill you with Joy, Peace, Understanding and Service. Listen to your heart, without judgement and filters.  Step into what is yours to do today.
What if you do not know what is yours to do today?
Then just be happy and grateful.  When we surrender unto God’s timing and will, we can relax and know whatever is intended for us to do, will be shown to us in God’s perfect time and way.  There are spaces, pauses and quiet times between activities.  Enjoy this time of serenity.  God never intends for us to be ‘going & doing’ 24/7.  We must heed the quiet, meditative times to restore and renew ourselves for the next wondrous action in our lives.
Enjoying Today,
Abigail and Steve

God is My Warm Blanket of Love

Dear Friends,
One morning as I began to sit down in my favorite chair to pray and meditate, I realized how warm and cozy I felt. I had just put on my prayer beads, and turned on my meditative light and the small votive lights in ‘meditative hands.’
I saw the beautiful glow coming through the picture of The Christ when I sat down with  my hot tea and warm blanket wrapped around me.
It was delightful.  I saw the evidence of the sun rising and the sky was filled with the beautiful glow of gold, orange and purple. I truly felt the Presence of Light, Love and God right there with and in me.
At times of stress, indecision, worry or any other challenge that may come your way, remember it is only here for a season and a reason. Stop, find a cozy place to sit and begin to feel the Love and Light that is always streaming in and through you from the Highest Source – God, Divine Love, Divine Light,
The Christ Consciousness.
A simple affirmation:
“Heavenly Father/Mother God, Your love covers me like a blanket, warming my soul and comforting my heart.
(60 Days of Prayer).
Wrapped in Cozy Love and Light,
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
We are certainly in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  One thing we need to remember is holidays really mean “Holy Days.” We are in the midst of Holy Days and everything, everyone and every situation is part and parcel of these Holy Days.
The Course in Miracle says (excerpt from Rev. Andrette Earl, SoM Magazine)
“When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him/her, you will see yourself. As you treat him/her, you will treat yourself. As you think of him/her, you will think of yourself. never forget this, for in him/her you will find yourself or lose yourself.”
Each person we meet is a Divine Encounter and we stand on Holy Ground, creating a Holy situation.
When we take a moment to breathe  and bless the car before we turn the ignition, it creates a holy essence and energy as we drive.
When we breathe and bless the store we are about to enter, it creates a holy essence and energy as we shop.
When we breathe and bless all the people ahead of us in line, we create a holy essence and energy in the store and the people feel it and tension lessens.
When we breathe and bless the store clerk, who may be harried at that point in the day, we create a  holy essence and energy that reaches out to her/him and she/he feels a sense of comfort.
Let us BE THE GIFT this season. Let us be the Holy Encounter for others by keeping our heart and mind in unconditional love wherever we are and wherever we go.  SMILE and let your Love and Light SHINE.
Being the Gift
Abigail and Steve

Gift of Mary and Joseph

Dear Friends,
Dr. Steve gave the sermon message at The Unity Center in Mira Mesa on Sunday, December 1, and his topic was “The Gift of Mary and Joseph.”  It was the first Sunday in Advent.
“Advent comes from the Latin ‘adventus’ meaning arrival.  So we are in the period of spiritual preparation for the arrival of Christmas.
The Advent time is also the time when we look back at 2 teenagers who listened to their inner voices to prepare for the creation of something wonderful, a birthing of a Great Soul, a God Conscious being here on earth.  As Truth students, we know Advent is not only a time to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, it is also a time to honor and celebrate the BIRTH  and development of our Higher Self, our Real Self, our Spiritual Self, our CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.
B – Be Available  and Follow Spirit’s Voice, your Divine Intuition.
I –  Investigate the Possibilities – The Newness in your life.
R – Rework Your Vision Board – Visualize Joy & Happiness in all areas.
T – Travel New Roads – Try Something Different.
H – Hang With Those Who Support You.
Within you is a gift to the world which is ready to be birthed. Within you is a Christ-like idea which will bring happiness to not only you, but to those around you.”  As you begin to Be the Christ, you will begin to See the Christ in All.
Birthing Our Christ Consciousness,
Abigail and Steve

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.  I love thanksgiving.  I love the time we spend with family and friends. I love planning the meal with my children and then asking them if there is anyone else they would like to invite to the table.
Most of the time we celebrate and share our gratitude with only our family.  This year we have the joy of celebrating with one of my daughter’s friends and our neighbors. I always like to think, whoever is at our table is our family.
In truth we are all ONE family in Spirit as our parent and creator.
This year at your table remember people in your family may have different opinions than you, and may express them. How will you react? Be grateful they are alive and with you.  God never intended us to think alike, look alike or be alike.  If you disagree, be grateful there is a place where you can agree to disagree.  Listen to others opinions, share yours when necessary without trying to change the thinking of others in your family.
This year at your table remember all people everywhere as your one extended family. These will be people of a different race, faith, ethnicity, culture and gender preference. Be grateful for the diversity God has created for our spiritual growth and consciousness of unconditional love and inclusion.
Enjoy the holiday.  Take time to breathe, before and during the busyness of preparing for the day.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Abigail and Steve

Faith Footsteps and Finally Letting Go








Dear Friends,
Many of us faithfully pray; for others, for situations, for peace, for the world and for ourselves. In New Thought, we often say, “Treat (prayer treatment) and Move Your Feet.”  And so we do.  There are also times we tend to forget that Treating is also moving energetic, Divine Feet.  God, Spirit, Creator, Love, however you wish to call our Source,  hears ALL and acts upon our prayers immediately. For many of us, the answer to our prayers doesn’t seem to come fast enough. 🙂   When we pray and ask for Divine Timing, Divine Order and the Divine Outcome, we need to step back and really allow the Divine to fulfill the prayer request/affirmation.
This past week  I heard stories about three friends who are going through situations, and all seemed to have delayed answers and outcomes.
1. A minister  friend of ours was praying for a new head of their Pre-School. Prayers and the footsteps  were taken to send the request out and interview likely candidates.  At the final interview each potential candidate, called and said they found another job. Two weeks before the pre-school leader retired, a  new candidate called. She said she will be moving to San Diego. It took her that amount of time to realize a move was necessary and the church job was what she really wanted and was qualified for.  She is also a very spiritual person which fit perfectly into their tradition.
God is always working in the background making sure the right person is available at the right time.
2. Another minister friend is looking for a new Spiritual home.  The lease is up in January and they will no longer be able to stay in their present location.  Many of her congregants were doing the necessary footsteps and many possible places were seen. None met the Vision they had for their new church/center home.  This minister realized she needed to release and let go of all attachments to the outcome.  She felt like they were pushing hard to make it happen.
I told her I was absolutely sure the right and true spiritual home will present itself at the right time and way.  Time to let go and let God BE God and bring forth the new home for their congregation.
God is always working in the background making sure the right spiritual home is available at the right time.
3. One more wonderful story with the right and true outcome.  A friend of ours needed a specific surgery.  This person has suffered for at least 13 years and now this revolutionary surgery was ready and had been previously performed successfully by this one doctor.  Thirteen years may seem like a long time, however, I know God had already picked out the right and true surgeon.
This doctor possibly needed to finish his medical schooling, internship and brilliantly create the new procedure.
God is always working in the background making sure the right doctor is ready, able and equipped to do revolutionary surgery at the right time
for the right people.
Have FAITH,  do the necessary FOOTSTEPS, then RELEASE,
Let Go and Let God. The Divine Outcome will be better than you can imagine!
Faith in the Outcome,
Abigail and Steve