Thoughts are like Seeds








Tomorrow is April 1st and we are well into our Spring Season. 
One morning as I walked through the neighborhood, I saw flowers sprouting and the greenery sparkling. The smells were wonderful and I really felt the Newness of Spring.  Later I was reading the SoM magazine and loved the article by Rev. Dr. David Alexander titled,
“Lovingly Tend Your Mental Garden.”
It was a wonderful reminder that our thoughts are seeds. When we think a thought, we plant that thought into the fertile ground of our mind. We tend that thought seed with positive affirmations, and weeding any negative thoughts that come to mind.  Dr. David said:
The soil we plant in, is connected to the subconscious mind
of collective humanity…a part of the stream of consciousness
that moves around us every day.”
This means not only are we tending our own garden, we are tending everyone else’s garden as well, because we are all connected.  The more we weed out fear, despair, hopelessness, worry, anxiety and judgement, from our own garden, the more we are weeding these ideas out of the world consciousness.   At this time of crisis in our world, it is vitally important to keep the seeds of love, joy, service, happiness, compassion and Oneness,  in our hearts and minds. The thoughts we think WILL HEAL OUR PLANET and bring back the WHOLELESS of HEALTH and LIFE  to all people, animals and our Mother Earth.

Along with my husband Steve, I have a  wonderful prayer partner,
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson, who wrote a beautiful prayer treatment
in relation to the Covid 19.
“It begins by recognizing the Nature of God as Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience, as Love, Wholeness, Health and Abundant Supply of All Good. We then admit our union in God and that human nature is the same as God Nature. Then we can realize that we have been given the power of creation through our thoughts, spoken words, and beliefs. So let us claim the evolution of human consciousness beginning with us, a shift from fear to love, from a belief in the power of disease to a knowing that God is the Only Power and that Power is within us guiding us, inspiring us and co-creating with us.
Let us claim the health of humanity in all ways, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Now let us give thanks for the manifestation of this prayer by releasing it to the Creative Mind of God, the Heart of God. 
And so it is.”
-by Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson

Tending Lovingly,
Abigail and Steve