Replenish and Serve

Dear Friends,
If your life is like mine, you are busy with activities, events, meetings and trying to make a difference in the world. Yesterday, I heard a fabulous speaker, Bishop Cornelius Bowser speak about the Implicit Bias in our country’s history and laws of the land. Unfortunately we are still a country dealing with bias and racism. We hear it from leaders in our government, in the news, in the killings of black men and in the unjust rulings in the courtrooms. Biship Bowser said a person of color will get a longer sentence for the same crime than a white person. We hear how some of our police officers tend to pull the trigger in the black neighborhoods, more than in white neighborhoods. People of color are pulled over in their cars on a regular basis. We hear White Supremists holding rallys and marching. Bishop Cornelius told a story of a Mayor telling his Police Commissioner to stop all the rampant crimes in the black neighborhoods. The PC took the police gang unit out of the black neighborhoods and put them in the white neighborhoods. He took the police patrolling the white neighborhoods and assigned them to the black neighborhoods. CRIME DROPPED almost instantly.
We know the Spiriutal Principle, when we LOOK for something, it generally appears in our world. When we see good, we get good, when we see bad we get bad. Simplistic? Yes. True? Yes.
There is so much need in our society, helping the homeless, the immigrants, the refugees, the people of color, it overwhelms me. I want to cry because there is so much fear and hatred happening in our country. I am paralyzed at times and feel I cannot do anything. I felt this way yesterday after the Bishop’s talk and all the people who stood up advertising their particular justice events. I was not the only one feeling this way. I talked with a friend who also went to this event. She said the negative energy is over powering sometimes where she cannot do anything.
I realized, I need to bring my saddened heart and overwhelmed mind out of the abyss.If you are at all feeling helpless, first write down all the good things you have done and are doing to help someone. Then choose ONE thing to do that will lift a person’s spirit and consciousness. Simple things will have a ripple affect and you will never know what the outcomes will be.
Take clothes to Good Will or the Salvation Army.
Keep some food in the car and give it to a homeless person on the street.
Take food to a food pantry.
Find an organization that speaks to your heart and get involved.
Most of all find a sacred place for your personal stillness and quietude.
Replenish yourself with the LOVE and LIGHT of the Divine, then go out
into the world and help others.

Replenished and Serving,

VISION the Positive

Dear Friends,

I just finished a wonderful book, Becoming, by Michelle Obama. It is her life story from birth to present day, and the years during Barack Obama’s Presidency. There were times it brought me to tears thinking, we had such a dedicated, ethical, compassionate, devoted man in the White House. He loved his country and he loved his family. Both Barack and Michelle worked together to bring our country to its highest consciousness and best for ALL the people, and the world. I cry because we do not have that today. It saddens me to see the divisiveness, prejudice rearing its ugly head in so many ways. Each day, as I watch the sun rise, I know it is a new day, with a new light permeating the globe. I pray the Spiritual LIGHT begins to shine and change those who would rather hurt someone else, than begin to understand them. I pray the LIGHT erases the darkness of bias towards people of color, country, ethnicity and gender. We just had the Women’s March and the March honoring what Dr. Martin Luther King stood for. I am happy so many people participated. On another note, it is sad we still have to make our voices heard in this way, because the wheel of change is moving so slowly.
At this time in our earth development I believe we should be feeling like brothers and sisters of the earth, not of a particular country, origin, gender, or race, but because we are here and are meant to work, play, share and eat together.

When I attended the Parliament of World Religions I felt we came close to the way God has intended us to be. People from all over the world, all colors, races, genders, wearing beautiful faith and ethnicity attire, were talking, laughing, listening, and eating together. For a few days, it felt like all was right with the world. Unfortunately when we came home, we had to come back to reality.
In the book, Becoming, Michelle quoted Barack,
” You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world                 as it should be.”
Barack Obama was an incredibly positive person even after all the unjust words berating him by our leaders and others.

Right before the 2016 elections, we had a labyrinth walk, and those attending wrote down their vision for the United States. I want to share two with
you again.

“I see America as a more unified, peaceful and prosperous country with a new awareness of caring for all. I see our new president as a person who is sensitive and aware of the needs of our country, and who can do what needs to be done to make the government work and to operate with the highest good in mind. I ask that our leaders be lifted to a higher, finer vibration of powerful insight, compassion, intelligence and love in order to take our country in a direction that will benefit not only the U.S., but the world. I pray that our new president, and our government, will work together peacefully and successfully for the good of all. I pray that whatever happens, all Americans will unite in peace, brotherhood, and that the children of America will inherit a highly functional, renewed government.”

“I see all people being taken care of – food, shelter, medical needs. People who have experienced earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. will be helped by our government. All children will have access to medical attention, schools and food. America will consider all of its citizens to be equal. Americans will show compassion to each other without regard to race or economic status. Americas will respect each other’s religions. Americans will help and honor each other and treat each other with dignity and respect.
Americans will look for the good in each other. Americans will look each other in the eye and honor our differences and what we have in common. We are all connected.”

Let us keep our hearts and minds FOCUSED on what we TRULY WANT.
Be the LIGHT in the darkness. Let’s create the world we know it can be.

Staying Positive,

January 15th Birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

Dear Friends,
HAPPY January 15th  BIRTHDAY       Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
We admire what you stood for, peace; justice, equality,
and non-violence. Martin Luther King Day is January 21st. There will be marches and celebrations  all over the United States.


This also begins the AGNT
Season of Peace and Non-Violence

January to April.
Here are three great men whose shoulders we stand on. Let us reflect on what made them great. Was it success, money, many cars, big houses, property developments???? NO, it was their High Consciousness, Character, and Purposeful Ideals. Let us continue to hold these values and ideals in our hearts and minds for ourselves, all humanity and for all governments around the world. As the story goes, one little boy put his finger in the hole of the dam, to keep it from breaking. Each one of us is that little boy today. Each good thought, kind word, sense of moral integrity, purposeful action is the finger that is keeping this world together. The more people who keep their consciousness high, with actions of integrity, the stronger and more just the world will be.

“Martin Luther King often spoke of the need for unconditional love. In 1955 he told Black America, “We want to love our enemies – be good to them. This is what we must live by; we must meet hate with love. We must love our white brothers no matter what they do to us.”
“Gandhi used religious symbols to unite India’s diverse communities, reading from the Bible, the Koran and the Gita in his prayer meetings.
Above all, the Mahatma believed in the power of dialogue.”
The Dalai Lama continues to reject violence as unethical and counterproductive…”

Holy Man: What Does the Dalai Lama Actually Stand For?

The core of every religion teaches, Peace, Love, Justice, Integrity, Forgiveness and Charity. Let us hold these values high and remain true to them. We have great leaders who have shown us the way.
It is up to us to plug that hole with the content of high character, consciousness and speaking up for what is right. As Ernest Holmes said, “Treat and move your feet.” Prayer is the first step. Speaking out and being an active participant in social and moral justice is our second responsibility and call to action.
Acting Consciously,
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
We are into our second week of the New Year. Many of us have attended Burning Bowl Ceremonies (letting go of what no longer serves us) and White Stone Ceremonies (choosing a purposeful word for this year.)
What I also like to do is create a new VISION Board. 2019 is a clean slate. As we start over in the new year, we can write and/or picture a new story for us. Instead of only words, we create with images, photos, and magazine pictures. Someone said,             “A picture is worth a 1,000 words.”
When we SEE something it tends to stay in our conscious mind more than when we read words. As we begin to put together a Vision Board, remember our subconscious mind is taking it in and beginning to move forward creating what we choose. Our subconscious does not know reality from imagination. Shown are a few Vision Board examples I found on the internet to share with you.

When you have cut out all the pictures you think you want, place your hand over your heart to see if you really want it. What are your feelings telling you? Do you really want it? Remember to say, “this or something better.”
Add a picture of a spiritual symbol that has value for you; a faith symbol, the picture of an avatar or master teacher, etc.
Add color, to make the photos POP and feel alive to you. Start off the New Year with fun, color, pictures and faith. Look at your Vision Board each day and affirm you already have it. Keep your affirmations in the present tense. Saying “I will have it,” only pushes the energy out in the future, never to manifest in the present.
Happy Vision Boarding!!!


January 1, 2019

Dear Friends,

I love celebrating the New Year with all its possibilities! Recently we watched the classic movie, “A Christmas Story.” I loved the little boy Richie having his heart set on a BB gun ( although I am definitely NOT a gun person.) The point is, no matter what anyone told him, he still IMAGINED receiving it.
And then he did!

When our heart imagines a dream, a gift, a purpose, a possibility, no one can stop us from gaining or achieving it. Our hearts want us to be happy, live life fully, love greatly and create purposefully. Everyone came to earth with a purpose. It is up to us to dream it, then be it. Sometimes identifying it, is a challenge. Your heart is your Wisdom guide. Place your hands over your heart and ask HER what is truly right and wonderful for you. She, your God(dess) intuition will always reveal your highest and best action, purpose and benefit.

Rev. Dr. John Waterhouse wrote in the Science of Mind December magazine,
“Begin by looking back on your life. When have you felt joyously empowered through what you were doing? Look for patterns of activities where you have made a difference in the lives of others. Then simply write a one-sentence statement that captures the essence of who you have come here to be – your purpose.”

Where is your imagination going right now? Are your thoughts making you happy? Are these thoughts making your heart sing? Day dreaming puts us in the right side of our brain where creativity happens. First we must feel the truth our heart is telling us, then our mind, through affirmative prayer, can help create what we desire.
New Thought says, “Love Leads the Way and Law Makes the Way Happen.”

Here is an Affirmation:
“As I enter the new year, I utilize my imagination to perceive possibilities that are not currently visible.”
(December -Daily Word)

If you are unsure of your purpose or what you wish to create, say daily.
“Thank you God for illuminating the Divine opportunities for me today to serve YOU with joy.”

Surrendering, in faith and trust, will always bring about the highest and best
for you. Happy New Year!

Happily Affirming,




Dear Friends,
We are now in the December Season of
Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion.
All these ideas were taught by Jesus the Christ, the Master Teacher and Spiritual Leader. We celebrate his birth at Christmas time. We also celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness in us as well. We are the Christ in potential. He said, “What I do,
you can do also.”
This past week I have been focusing on the idea of FORGIVENESS, for without forgiveness there is no love. Without forgiveness it is difficult to even acknowledge the Divine Presence in another person. If Jesus the Christ can forgive, I can forgive as well.
On my meditation altar I have added a “Forgiveness” candle. I plan to light it everyday until I have a change of heart within me for a person who seems to say unkind things about Steve and me. I know when I have a change of heart and consciousness life with change. Terry Cole Whitaker said, “What others think of me, is none of my business.” I am not a victim. I am a partner in this journey. How I react to harsh words is what is so important.
If unkind words are spoken, my response is to send love, in my heart , mind and/or verbally. LOVE does conquer all. Darkness cannot stay when a LIGHT is turned on.
To forgive is always a choice. I choose to see the person as a Divine Being of God, having a human experience. Life on our human journey can be challenging so I acknowledge this for me and for her.
Today I will stay in the Consciousness of Love, Forgiveness, Giving and Compassion for all.
What Consciousness of Christ will you activate today?
Who will you forgive, love, give and show compassion?


Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful time at the ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network) Conference last week. It felt good to reunite with beloved friends, and be spiritually fed. The conference was at the beautiful Unity Village in Lee Summit, MO, about 45 minutes outside Kansas City. We had a chance to laugh and cry as our hearts cracked wide open making way for more light and love. We loved being with our “tribe.”

Our lives are all about Spiritual Awakening and Transformation and using the Gifts God has given us. One morning I was reading in the Daily Word about letting go and being transformed. One of the steps in our Spiritual Mind Treatment is to “Let Go and Let God” and know the Divine Outcome is at hand. There was a phrase in the magazine that shined a new light on this idea. It said,
“I let go into the transforming light of God within.” It took me into a deeper understanding of God within. ‘Letting go and letting God’ now seemed like letting go of a balloon flying into the sky. This ‘Letting go to the God Within’ reminded me of who I am.
I am God on this earth. I am a Divine Idea. I am God individualized. So when I LET GO, I let go knowing I AM handing this prayer to ME, my God Self who knows all, is all, as all.
I release my human ideas to make way for my God ideas, and the Will of Spirit within.

Daily Word October 13
“I take my place in this global spiritual process of awakening and do my part. Every encounter I have with others, no matter how small, is turning the tide and transforming us all. I make a courageous choice on behalf of all of my sisters and brothers and for my soul. I awaken to the unfolding of my being and put that awareness to work in my world.”
“I let go into the transforming light of God within.”

Blessings, Abigail









“Wherever you go looking for ME
I’m already always by your side
I’m not in sacred places
I’m not in temple idols
I’m not in solitary retreats
I’m already always by your side.

I’m not in temples or mosques
I’m not in the Kaaba, not in Kailash
I’m already always by your side.

I’m not in austerities, not in meditation,
Not in feast, not in fasts
Not in rituals laid down in sacred texts
Not in yogic exercises –

Look for ME with passionate sincerity
I’ll be beside you immediately.
Kabir says: Seeker, listen to ME-
Where your deepest faith is, I am.

( taken from the Unity Magazine, October edition)

I was reading the Unity magazine and was so taken with this poem by Kabir. It reminded me how humans are always trying to find the BEST WAY TO GOD. The poem, like the New Thought belief says, where you go, God is there. Why? Because GOD is you.
God as Spirit, Divine energy, intelligence, wisdom, love, knowledge is in every atom, cell and molecule in your body.
I have a lovely meditation chair where I sit in the mornings. There are times when I am stressed and I feel, I have to go sit in my chair, because it brings me comfort. That is all well and good when I am home, but what if I am out running errands, on a trip, in a plane, at a grocery story. The poem is a wonderful reminder we can pray and meditate in mind and heart wherever we are. All our thoughts are prayers, and all are heard no matter where we go.
Another favorite quote is, “There is no spot where God is not.” Even in the midst of heartache and sadness, God is in us, with us and flowing through us. We do not have to go on retreats to “find God.” God is right here with us in our own homes, at work, in the car, and wherever we choose to go.

God Always in, as, is me,

Be an Instrument of Peace

Are your nerves frazzled with all the political and natural disaster events happening?
The air and ethers are filled with this crazy energy and everyone and every thing is being affected. Each one of us is an AGENT of Change, A VESSEL of Light, an INSTRUMENT of Peace.  Let us each make our Divine contribution to LIFE; human and animal, plant and planet, water and air and our beloved Mother Earth.
Just BREATHE in the breath of God, hold, and release any anxiety.
B   Behold Beauty and Bountiful Good in everyone and everything.
R   Relax with a favorite activity.
E   Experience an Easy, Effortless, & Excellent day. Treat for it, See it, Feel it.
A   All is Divine and All is God.
T   Thoughts create.  What peaceful thoughts are you thinking and creating?
H   Help someone today. Doing an act of kindness makes you feel good.
E    Embrace Diversity and uniqueness of all people.
Be God’s Emissary today. You are the Light, you are the Peace we need in this world.
Instrument of Peace – St. Francis of Asisi
Where there is hatred, let me bring love
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith
Where there is falsehood, let me bring truth
Where there is pain, I’ll comfort you
Where there is silence, let me sing praise
Where there’s despair, let me bring hope
Where there is blindness, let me bring sight
Where there is darkness, let me bring light
And with these words I speak
Grant that I may not so seek
To be heard but to hear
To be consoled but to console,
Not to be seen, but to see
To be loved but to love
For when we give love we will receive
When we forgive love, we’ll find reprieve
It is in dying we’ll be released
Make me an instrument of peace


September 11,  2018
Dear Friends,
Today is a Day of Remembrance, a day we mourn for those who perished in the terror attack on the Twin Towers and planes over New York.  We pray for those souls and for the family and friends left behind.
REMEMBRANCE is a beautiful word. At this time I want us to REMEMBER who we are and who the souls are, who passed on before us.  We are eternal spirits having a journey on earth as part of our eternal life.  Ernest Holmes wrote, and became one of our beliefs,
“We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
Those who have gone before us to another life and another journey are never really gone, they are forever expanding. Many of us have had experiences where we have been given messages by our transitioned loved ones in a dream, as a sign, as a thought. We can still communicate, only in a more subtle way.  Steve’s brother Larry, came to me while waking the labyrinth, and he said, “We never leave.”  Let us REMEMBER, no one ever really leaves, we change form, change residence, change dimension, change vibration, however we never leave.  We are eternal souls created by God
Prayers of Love and Blessings are always appreciated by those still here on earth and by those in the heavenly dimensions. Our thoughts, prayers, words go out into the ONE MIND of God and are always heard and received.
To all those who have chosen to go before us, we bless you, we love you, we open our hearts and minds to you, knowing you are eternally alive, well and with us.
Always Connected,

Push the barriers, Ride the Whale


Dear Friends,

We just watched a wonderful movie called
“Whale Rider.”
This is about how the old ways, the ancient traditions need to change in order for the Maori people to again feel proud of who they are, and where they came from. The ancient tradition has always had men Chiefs leading the tribe. In the movie, a grandfather tries endlessly to teach the young men of the community the ancient ways, and to find the next chief, but to no avail. Each appears to fall short of the leadership role. However, in the background is a young girl who wants to learn what all the boys are learning, so she watches and practices in secret, until she is caught. Her grandfather ostracizes her and she feels unworthy. Luckily her grandmother is loving and continues to let her know how much she is loved.
The Maori people have a long established connection with whales and at one time in their past, chiefs were able to call the whales and ride them. In the village there is a huge statue of this belief. In the movie, for some reason, the whales beached themselves and the community could not seem to help them move back to the ocean. Once everyone had given up, the young girl goes over to the leader whale and starts talking and singing to him. The whale stirs and moves and she climbs on his back. The lead whale is able to move back into the water and the other whales follow. Much to the community, and the grandfathers surprise, they see her “riding the whale” out into the ocean. It was at that moment the grandfather’s eyes and heart were open to the truth. His granddaugher, whom he had berated, was the future leader of the Maori community.
Long story short the girl rose to the surface when the whale dove. Not sure how she got to the hospital, but she survived, and the whole community was alive in spirit, with a new hope, and proud again of their tradition.

Here is the point. Tradition has its value, however in order to grow, learn and transform there must come a time in our lives when we need to reevaluate what has been done in the past and surrender to a NEW IDEA, a new way of being. We can’t move forward in God’s Divine Plan for our lives, the lives of our family, friends, community and world until we surrender to a Higher Calling. Jesus said, “I myself can do nothing, it is the Father/God within me doing the work.” The grandfather pushed to do it his way, when God had a greater plan. God’s plan is always inclusive. Exclusivity is man’s doing, not God’s.
We must always be OPEN at the TOP to God’s Greater Plan. We know we are going in the wrong direction when all the doors of opportunity close and/or we push to ‘make something happen’ when it won’t.

In your morning prayers, meditation and treatment say, I Let go and Let God.
Really mean that!!! Write down or say what your intentions are, visualize them, then say
“All this and/or something greater.” When the Greater shows up, ask God, “Is this it?” You will get an answer, a sign, a door opening, a phone call with a wonderful opportunity. You might just find the person you thought had nothing to offer is your hope and salvation.

BE God’s Instrument of Good, of Change and Transformation for now and the future.
