Healing in My Heart

coffe with heart“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

At our labyrinth workshops we often do a “Forgiveness” ceremony. We know until our hearts are healed, and open with love for all, we put up “blocks” in our way that limit our  Divine Blessings and Good.  In our life time, there may have been people we just didn’t like. Some have hurt us or “rubbed” us the wrong way .  Whenever there is an emotion of “not liking” someone, there is a reason to forgive.  We may need to forgive ourselves as well as the other person.
I have found people I do not seem to like are those who need love the most.  When I have put my hand out to offer a gesture of kindness, whether it be a word of encouragement, an offer to buy them a cup of coffee, or just a smile, I notice there is a change in the energy.  This change is an emotional energy in me as well as them.  When I taught elementary school, I would sit in the chair, (before school started), of a child who was a behavior problem and just sent him or her love. It would change how I reacted to the child during the day and how the child behaved in school.  Love and Kindness are the tools to change any situation in human relationships.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“But I say to you, love your enemies and bless the one who curses you, and do what is beautiful to the one who hates you, and pray over those who take you by force
and persecute you.”
When we begin to  LOVE those that have hurt us, we realize they are there to bless us and raise our consciousness.  For it is easy to love those who love us. It is by far, more spiritually transforming to love unconditionally those who appear unlovable.  We are all God’s children, expressions of the most High.  When we realize that Truth, we see clearly through the eyes of God, have a healing in our heart, and realize there is nothing left to forgive!

You Are You, Truer Than True!

Dr. SuessDear Friends,

I love this quote by Dr. Seuss.  Every new year many of us begin to think about how we can improve ourselves in the coming year,  and sometimes make false promises and goals we never keep.  Just a reminder to you all, YOU are always NEW.  Every moment of every day is NEW! When I hear someone ask me, “What’s new?” I often say, “I am new, right here, and right now.”  I have a chance to think new ideas, feel new feelings and send the newness out to the Universe knowing the Great Mind of God, hears, listens, and begins to fulfill the thoughts/ feelings from me – for me.   What if you realized you are already a magnificent spiritual being who has the potential to charter any new or existing course you so desire!? WOW!
Before any goal is even imminent, we need to feel good and wonderful about ourselves.
Here are some Daily CARESSES to give yourself.
I love who I AM.
I love my body temple for it holds my precious spirit.
I always have enough and am enough.
I expect and accept greater blessings of good than ever before.
God is my Source and Creator of whom I only rely on, and have complete faith, trust and love.
I am God Expressing here and now.
I am always NEW living a new day, a new idea, a new course.
With love and gratitude, I say thank you God for my life.
Use me for a Higher Purpose and Orchestra the Divine Plan for my life.
I surrender unto YOU.
When we truly CARESS ourselves with words such as the above, a sense of peace, comfort and well being comes over us. We can approach every NEW day as a new beginning walking hand in hand with, of and as God.
THIS is what I want in 2015,, How about you?
What’s new?

Open the Presence

Dear Friends,    Mystical light

In my meditative labyrinth walk this morning I was in awe of the many gifts and blessings in my life right now.

As I walked, I felt the Presence of God so distinctly. There are so many words for God, in so many languages all meaning the same thing, the Presence, our Creator, Source, and The One.   Interesting the word “Presence” and “present” are so similar.

I believe everyday God’s Presence is Its gift/present to us.  All we have to do is OPEN It..  How do we do that, and what is inside?  We open our hearts and minds to the awesomeness of God’s love for All beings regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender or species.  It is non-judgmental and unconditional. When we open the “Presence/Present” within ourselves, we peel away the wrappers of paper, ribbon, tissue and all things such as prejudices, biases, and misconceptions that may get in the way of our unconditional and nonjudgmental love for All. As we approach Christmas, let us open the Presence of the Christ within, the God Presence within and BE the Divine Being giving peace, love, joy and understanding wherever we go.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa,

Connected at Our Soul

“May the lights of Hanukkah usher in a better world
for all humankind.”
Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Dear Friends,

My friend and colleague
Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber wrote:Soul Connection

“We are all connected at the soul.”  I loved reading her words, for they are so true. The meaning of this concept  is important for us to be aware of and think about every day when we are with our family, friends and people we know and meet. We are all connected at the soul.  There may be times during this holiday season, with all the hustle and bustle in the stores and on the streets, we may be feeling just the opposite. Long lines, rude people, busy traffic, all may contribute to our feelings of disconnect with each other and ultimately God.  When an irritation creeps up, just stop and say to yourself, “I am connected at the soul level with this person.  I am connected to God in this person.”  Thinking those very thoughts will create a shift in consciousness, which will ultimately shift your action and/or reaction in the next  moment.  Anytime we raise our consciousness by knowing the truth of our being and the truth of another person’s being (same truth), it brings the world closer to the ultimate peace we are all striving for. I am connected to you. You are connected to me. We are ONE in, as and of God.  What a beautiful gift to know and be.  Much love from my soul to your soul, the One Soul of God..

My Best Possible Version of Myself

Best Version by Steve Mariboli   I was reading the daily inspiration by Rev. Dr. Jim Lockard in the Science of Mind magazine and the phrase that stood out for me was, “The Best Possible Version of Ourselves.”  So I asked myself, “What is the best possible version of myself?”  I began a list and when I thought I was done, it was pretty amazing.  My best self is when I am really being ME, the Higher Me, the God me, practicing my Christ Consciousness. All of it is truly ME. What a wonderful question to ask yourself when annoyances, or unexpected challenges come up.  “What is the best possible me in this moment? ” How can I express and relate as my God Self? What words would my Christ Consciousness say?  This concept is familiar because we have heard the phrase, “What would Jesus do, or What would Buddha or Krishna do?”  The difference is, we are not trying to BE like our master avatars, we are deciding to BE the Master/Avatar of our own Self.  That to me is truly transforming. The Holy Zohar, the Book of Avraham says, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions; we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light…. When someone does a wrong deed, or says an unkind word to you, stop for a moment, close your eyes and ask yourself, ‘What is the best possible version of myself in this moment?” Bring it forward with thoughts of love, feelings of compassion and acts of kindness. That is your True Self being YOU.

Healing Labyrinth Walk

R. White writes,” Walking the labyrinth supposedly promotes spiritual awakening and deeper inner knowledge. Followers testify to arousal of feelings (good and bad), renewed creativity, brain re-mapping and energy production. Labyrinths have taken their place next to sacred circle dances and sweet-grass ceremonies taught as rediscovered ancient practices to enhance spiritual growth” Labyrinth healing Dear Friends, HEALING, what is the secret? We all have had our physical and emotional challenges, and when our bodies and minds  begin to FEEL better there is such a sense of relief!  I keep going back to the Master Jesus’s words, “What I do you can do also, and even greater things.”  He was a Master healer.  Today in our world I know we have Masters walking the earth healing and doing “even greater things.”  Some are known to the public and others are not.  Each person I have met who has “the gift” has told me everyone has the potential. I read in the “Creative Thought” magazine a prayer by J. Alison Hiber, RScP, who said, “I declare my freedom in knowing there is nothing broken, nothing to fix , nothing to save, and nothing to improve….There is no improvement, there is only evolution; God guides the way.” The Holy Zohar, The book of Avraham states, “For the manifestation of complete fulfillment to take place, we need to evolve into our truest, greatest selves. In our thoughts, our feelings, and our action, we need to erase negativity and replace darkness with Light.” To me HEALING is an Evolution of Consciousness. As we begin to explore the potential within us and acknowledge our Divinity, our Light, we can begin to accept the amazing spiritual masters we really are!

Come join us this Saturday to explore and evolve into your personal mastery and Discover Your Secret to Healing !

Saturday, December 6th 1:30-4pm Love Offering Bring a Prayer Bear

Steve and Abigail will deliver the bears to the patients at Palomar Hospital                     in Escondido.

All Faith Center, 17762 St. Andrews Dr. Poway, CA 92064


Happy Thanksgiving Goodness of God

Thanksgiving For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

This is the time of year we are most focused on our blessings and all we are thankful for.  It is a wonderful time of raising our Consciousness and consequently raising others as well.   We hear so often what is wrong with this world, when in actuality so much is RIGHT!  People are good. People are helpful.  Just last week Steve and I were on our way to a memorial service when we heard our tire make the  “I am SO flat” sound.  That may have been a tragic circumstance and we could have gotten upset. However, I believe we are always in the Divine Bubble of Light and I always say that prayer before we go anywhere. As we felt the flat tire bumping us along, we noticed we were right next to an exit where we could get off.  Our tire was able to take us to the bottom of the exit and yet out of the way of all traffic. I counted my blessings!  We called AAA and they sent a wonderful man out quickly who put on our spare tire easily and made sure Steve was not standing in the way of traffic. I counted my blessings!  We then proceeded to 2 exits away to a Discount Tire store where they easily and quickly put on a new tire. I counted my blessings! We proceeded to the memorial and even arrived in time to hear the last 15 minutes of the service. I counted my blessings! We met and talked with so many lovely people sharing beautiful memories and making new friends. I counted my blessings! A day that could have gone array, came and went with grace and ease. It doesn’t really matter what circumstances happen to you, it matters how you view them and the attitude you take. I counted my blessings because IT’S  ALL GOOD!

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Think About God


I was reading an article by Rev. Sally Robbins in the November Creative Thought magazine and I wanted to share a story she told.
“At a conference a few years ago, author Beth Moore told the story of a family whom she knows.  This family has a son named Gabriel who is developmentally disabled. Gabriel can’t really read or write, but he knows how to spell his name. As she continued the story, she held up a piece of paper and said, “I know you can’t see this, but Gabriel wrote his name on this paper. The first letter, ‘G’ is perfect.  For the second letter, ‘a’ he writes a circle, but he always forgets to put the little tail on it.  For the third letter, instead of writing a ‘b’ he inverts it and writes it backwards, which now looks like a ‘d’.  Then, for emphasis, he puts a period.
She closed by saying, ‘When you find yourself focusing on a problem, turn away from it and focus on God, period!’ Wise words indeed. Our thinking can expand beyond the box of limited thinking such as worry. We can move into the realm of possibility, knowing that we are always in tune with the brilliant unfoldment of the Infinite.”

What a beautiful story, which reminded me GOD is always our only answer to all our challenges!  That is no accident, this beautiful child, Gabriel writes his name as God.  It may be his soul’s purpose is to remind everyone he knows GOD is within him. God is his name. God is his nature. God is his true essence and being.  Knowing that for himself, he is a perfect reminder God is in YOU and Me and ALL there is.


Peace and Blessngs Always,

Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert
Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert

We are here to support you on your  Spiritual Journey


TRAIN Life Goes OnI recently received this lovely inspiration from a minister friend of mine and I would like to share it with you.  I do not know the author.  In the past month we have had several of our friends and parents of friends “step off the train.”  We are saddened by the loss of these beautiful souls and yet we know LIFE is eternal.  At this time of year the veil between earth and the other side is thin so we can now, and always, send love and prayers to those who have made their transition, knowing they hear us and continue to love us.

Train of Life

“At birth we board the train and meet our parents, and we believe they will always travel by our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant; i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and maybe even the love of your life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize that they vacated their seats.This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves.The mystery to everyone is: we do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.
I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey. Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.”


Halloween Pumpkin 2
Halloween is definitely around the corner. We see decorated front porches with wonderful pumpkins, witches, ghosts and mummies.  The stores have all the candy and costumes beckoning children and adults.  It truly is a time for fun and frivolity.  I got into a discussion with a lady age 80+ and she loves the holiday.  She said it is a time when her normal colorful and unique outfits really fit in! Others say they can play at being who they are not. We know actors do this all the time. The quietest actor at home may be loud and outrageous on the stage.  Even the musical group KISS painted on faces that represented something else, not truly who they were.  It is all about MASKS.  Halloween is a time for masks and dressing up and is fun for the day. However in our everyday world how often do we adorn personality  masks?
*Are we trying to be something just to impress someone?
*Are we giving false credentials or information just to get a job?
*Are we going along with the crowd just to try and “fit in?”
These masks are not fun and can interfere with our integrity, vitality, who we really are and meant to be.  There is a wonderful song by Rev. Christy Snow that says, “the person you see on stage is not the same one with family, and the person in the dating game is not the same one at work etc.” The song continues and shows that once the person is authentic with him or herself the face everyone sees is the same.  No need to pretend, or hide the truth. Being ourselves is truly FREEING!
Nothing to hide is joyfully LIBERATING!
Whether you wear a mask on Halloween or not, always be true to yourself, respect yourself, love yourself and honor your vibrant, spiritual Self!