State What You Want!


Dear Friends,


State what you want, not what you see!


“What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within limits to be found experientially and experimentally.”

John Lilly


I was reading the Science of Mind magazine and Ernest Holmes talked about “The Positive Opposite.” He says, “If there is anything you dislike about your work or environment, state clearly in one sentence what it is you want. Regardless of what your problem is, do your best to affirm its opposite…”


I believe I do this all the time. On the road in traffic jams, I state

“The road opens and I easily move forward.” I always state, ‘there is a gas pump open for me when I arrive.’ At times I cannot see one at first so I drive around and keep stating it. Soon at least one car pulls out and I pull up. Stating the opposite is affirming what you want and believing you already have it. If I affirm green lights I generally get them. There are times I hit EVERY red light, which to me is a ‘red flag’ to trust, let go and let God move me forward in safety.


Steve and I celebrated our 21stAnniversary last week so we went to

Old Town San Diego, one of my favorite places to walk around. We walked to a beautiful open air Mexican Restaurant, and I mentally said, ” I want to sit in the shade.” The waitress brought us to a table directly in the sun. I looked at it and asked if there was a shady table. The waitress said no. I looked at Steve and mentally affirmed, “I am sitting in the shade.” I mentally SAW a shady table and stated what I wanted.

We waited a moment or two, not willing to leave. A few seconds later a couple got up from the table next to ours and left. I smiled and immediately sat down at their shady vacant table. I asked the waiter if it was OK, and he said ‘No problem.’ He just had to clean the tabletop.

State what you want, not what you see!


We also went into a lovely GEM store. Steve had every intention of buying me a ring. I was happy looking; however, I wasn’t sure I would find one

there. We walked around the store once and I just shook my head saying to Steve I am not finding anything I like. We walked around the store again and Steve pointed to a case with rings. Steve found the button to rotate the jewelry racks within the glass case. As it turned, I saw a ring. I said STOP. I liked that ring. We asked the clerk to open the case and I tried it on. IT FIT. It was lovely, an amethyst in a silver setting. You may be asking why I did not affirm or state what I wanted. My mind already thought I might not find one. Ambiguity births ambiguity. Uncertainty births uncertainty. If it hadn’t been for Steve stating what he wanted, regardless of not seeing it at first, and not leaving until we looked one more time, I would not have a lovely new ring.

State what you want, not what you see!


If you don’t like an appearance of a situation, state the opposite. Remember you are the Cause, not the Effect. Our thoughts and feelings have an effect on our environment. We emanate vibrations all the time. Our words go into the Law of Mind and are always acted upon.


Rev. Jeffrey Ryan says, “The Word spoken upon the waters of consciousness is the ONE Creative Source of All. I am mindful that my actions and activities affect the entire web of life. My thoughts, words and deeds have impact…”


Stating what I want with joy and appreciation,

Abigail and Steve

BLAZE Your Own Train


Dear Friends,

“Go where no one has gone before,” is a famous line from the Star Trek TV shows and movies. This is our time to go where no one has gone before. We are the ones to push the standards and old conformities that no longer serve us. Stef Swink, RScP, in the Science of Mind magazine quoted Rev. Lloyd Strom. He has an essay titled “Evolution vs Initiation.”
He says, ” The path of initiation is a form of accelerated evolution that moves us beyond the slow-motion growth of humanity. Spiriutal initiates consciously cause things to begin at an individual level and are courageous pioneers who blaze a trail of blessings for others to follow.”

Are you ready to “Blaze a Trail of Blessings?”
Are you ready to consciously cause a new way of thinking and being?
It only takes one to start a movement, a pay it forward idea that will help all of humanity to raise its consciousness. When hatred is running amuck and people from a religion are being persecuted, invite their faith community over for a dinner or potluck at your faith community. Show you care. Show your support.
Stand up with them in prayer and candlelight vigils.
The picture here are the Hindu Americans of San Diego supporting Israel in a candle light vigil at the Jewish Community Center in San Diego.
Remember our Muslim brothers and sisters here in the USA who are being persecuted for the horrific actions taken by Hamas in the Middle East. Our Muslims are not responsible and do not condone these acts.

YOU bless others by being you, and by
• saying a kind word,
• uplifting a sad soul,
• giving financially, and being in service,
• loving the neighbor who bothers you,
• being open hearted and welcoming the stranger,
• sticking up for someone being picked on or slandered,
• showing friendship for those who look different than you, have a different religion or culture,
• encouraging someone’s dream no matter how far fetched it seems to you.

Enjoy this lovely video           “Blessings Everywhere.”

Love and Blessings to you
Abigail and Steve


KINDNESS, Frontrunner to Peace

October 10, 2023
Dear Friends,
Steve and I were at the ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network) conference (virtually) last week. It was an amazing conference with fabulous speakers
who spoke and sang from their heart to each person there. One spiritual thread that flowed through the week was KINDNESS. We all talk about bringing
PEACE into the world and some feel it is unattainable. I believe it is our inherent destiny. And first before Peace we need to create a “Culture of Kindness.”
I believe KINDNESS is the frontrunner to Peace.
One of the speakers and musicians was Daniel Nahmod, who many of you know from his concerts, as a guest musician in New Thought churches’ and his CD’s.
Every song is based on his life and is heartfelt. Daniel, after singing beautiful songs, shared a story about his son. There was a child in his son’s
elementary class who was picked on, and harassed. His son took it upon himself to befriend him, stick up for him and remind the teacher out loud in the
classroom what a good job this other child was doing. Needless to say Daniel got a call from his son’s teacher. She said, “I want you to know what a
wonderful and KIND child you have.” She went on to share some of the stories of how Daniel’s son treated other children. This teacher was KIND to let the
family know the good news about their son. So often parents only get a call from a teacher when there are behavior problems. At the conference Daniel said,
“Nurture Empathy, Nurture Caring and Model Kindness, .”
Being Kind and Modeling Kindness is our work in the world. I would love to see a Super Hero with a cape saying “KINDNESS is my Super Power.”
An act of Kindness generates a pay it forward mentality. When one receives a kindness from someone else, his or her heart opens like a lotus,
and the love and goodness that may be bottled up in there begins to flow out to others.
Kindness ramps down an intense argument. A smile and word acknowledging someone else’s opinion changes the energy and vibration.
People only want to be heard, seen and feel valued. You do not have to agree with them just See them, Hear them and Be Kind in your response to them,
Kindness is a choice. If someone spreads untrue rumors about you, you can kindly set the record straight without anger or judgment.
You are not a door mat. It is being KIND to yourself when your Truth comes forth. How you react and respond is your choice. Choose kindness.
Kindness to Mother Earth. On my walk today I picked up two pieces of paper trash on the ground. I brought them back home and tossed them in my garbage bin.
Use a reusable water bottle, coffee mug, grocery bag, conserve energy and recycle.
Kindness to Animals. I pick up snails on the street and take them to a grassy area. I watch out for rabbits and any other critters that may be darting across
the street. Slow down while driving in your neighborhoods. Sometimes dogs get out. I have a spare leash in my car just in case.
Kindness when things don’t go your way. I was at a restaurant last week with my daughter, Tammy, granddaughter, other grandma, Tammy’s best friend and her
little daughter. First the waitress was slow in taking drink orders, then slow in taking our lunch orders. Then when we finally got our food, 5 out of the 7 orders
were incorrect. By that time different waiters and waitresses were going back and forth trying to get every order right, I had to finally chuckle to myself because
I could see this as a comedy routine. What I noticed was, each of us continued our conversation and laughed as this was all happening. No one complained, or
got irritated etc. I was watching all 7 of us making a choice to be KIND.
With Love and Kindness,
Abigail and Steve

What Would God Do?


“Humanity is Divinity
Made Visible”
Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes
Founder of Religious Science




Dear Friends,

This is one of my favorite quotes because it says it all! We believe God is in each and everyone of us because God is our Source and Creator.
We were birthed by the Universal Presence, Divinity Itself.
Karen Drucker’s song, “The Face of God” reminds me when I look at you, I am looking at the face of God.

“You are the face of God
I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me
You are the face of God…

You are the face of love
I hold you in my heart
You are my family
You are the face of God”

God shows up in each of us and looks differently in each of us. It is the multiplicity in the One.

I was reading the October Science of Mind magazine and there is an article written by Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes.
He said, “Our Duty, Our Obligation, Our Responsibility To God is to Be Like God. We ALL are already the children of God,
not were or going to be, but ARE.” We are divinity in our human body.

Rev. Dr. David Alexander said, “The universe is alive with purpose and so too
is everything in it. The obligation and responsibility of each point of creation is to magnify the nature of itself within the larger system.
A rose is obligated to bloom. The sun is obligated to shine. The trees are obligated to grow and
provide oxygen.”

We are obligated to be like God at work, play, with friends, family and everywhere we go. There is a familiar saying by our Christian brothers and sisters,
“What would Jesus do….?” We can now say, “What would God within us do?” We can exemplify the qualities of God in any situation by Listening and Responding
to others with:
and being a Quiet Presence in their midst.

Be God Like in all you do because YOU are GOD here on earth.
You are Divinity made visible.

Being the Face of God,
Abigail and Steve

LIFE is Eternal


Andromeda Galaxy imaged from 12,500 feet in California’s White Mountains

Dear Friends,

I just finished the book, The Afterlife of Billy Finger: How My Bad-boy Brother Proved to me There’s LIFE after Death. Billy, after leaving this earth dimension, came to his sister to share his experiences in the afterlife. Billy was a drug addict, dealer and had been in jail many times. Reading his journey and seeing life from his perspective made me realize no matter how many mistakes we make in this earth life or which roads we choose to go down, the after life is one of unconditional LOVE, bliss, compassion and joy.

I have read many books about the afterlife, people’s NDEs, and experiences. under hypnosis. I found this book so in line with my personal beliefs.

I would like to share some of Billy’s thoughts and revelations with you.

Read, reflect, and enjoy.

All beings carry LIGHT from the other side within them. Blue Light, White Light Everywhere in Everything. WE are ONE.

The Light here makes visible what is invisible on earth: the Divine Nature of All Things.

We see our earth life, like a hologram. We see lives we could have lived out, the “what ifs,” the different paths we could have followed. What is surprising is it doesn’t seem like one way is more valuable than any other. We are not on earth to be punished. There is no judgement day.

Don’t be overly concerned with how others see you. Choose the way you want to see yourself.

There is no one to forgive. We signed up to do this dance together.

If there is one thing worth doing on your planet, it is discovering self-love. When you are born you forget your magnificence which is already love.

People are actually vast universes of subatomic particles, and sometime a shift in perspective makes the particles do a different dance, leap into a new reality.

There are many worlds, and the afterlife has many forms. Where you go, who you meet and where you meet them is different for different people.

Life is eternal.

The Supra World is designed for the comfort of the newly arrived soul.

It is also the place where the newly dead play out strong beliefs they had about death while they were alive. As a person gets more familiar with the new atmosphere these ideas lose their grip.

Some souls go back to your planet to reincarnate and others go to places in the afterworlds to develop more and prepare for the ‘Becoming the Universe’ experience. Billy explained his experience of becoming the Universe. He said ‘I Am, We Are the Universe. It is inside us. We truly are made of STAR Stuff.’

There is Universal Intelligence in, through and behind ALL.

Everyone has a BOOK of LIFE. Death gives you a fresh start. There is always another chance and mistakes are OK. Much of your life is planned out and there is a lot of freedom inside that plan. It is as if your life is drawn with a pencil, with options to erase and change.

ALL beings come from the same SOURCE. The Infinite creates diversity, so there are many soul tribes. Each tribe has its special explorations to undertake on earth. On earth when you meet someone from your tribe, you feel you already know that person.

There are other places than earth that are real, full of light and love and bliss.

Every single life is valuable and every life is a gift. Every person is an instrument of the Divine.

The pure JOY of the Divine Presence is our destiny.





PEACE in Mind and Heart is a CHOICE

With the International Day of Peace coming up, I want to reflect on the idea of PEACE and how to attain and maintain it.

Last month Steve and I attended the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago. This was our 4th Parliament and after the three PWR before, we looked forward to all the activities, seeing friends & meeting new people. In Chicago we were responsible for, and excited to set up, a room dedicated solely to presenting the New Thought (NT) philosophy and materials from all the denominations. We were also going to have an Interfaith Dialogue everyday. Steve and I arrived Saturday, to work all day Sunday, so everything would be ready for visitors on Monday. From the Hyatt Hotel to the McCormick Center was a long 20-minute walk! We were grateful the walk was enclosed in buildings and a bridge especially when it rained for several days.

PEACE is TAKING QUIET ACTION and doing what needs to be done.

On Sunday, the Hyatt assistant, who was to help us with our large shipped box, was not there when we arrived at the Hyatt’s Parcel Office. Luckily we were able to rent a cart from there. Once we got to the NT room the door from the hall to the room was locked. So I went to the registration desk to ask for the keys. Once inside the room we noticed the tables we ordered were not in the room. We saw extra tables outside the door so we brought them in ourselves. We could have either whined and complained, or just go about our business to take care of what was needed to be done. We did call management to let them know about the situation.We then got a call from the Hyatt letting us know ONE of the flower arrangements had arrived. (There was supposed to be two). Another trip back and forth. Later the second flower arrangement arrived and another trip back and forth.Meanwhile we went to the registration desk only to find out the computers were down so no early registration until the next day.


Monday Morning we went to finish setting up the room & learned the computers were still down. We had to stand in line with the other 7,000 attendees to register one person at a time. While waiting in line during registration we had a choice, we could either be irritated and complain or we could look at this as an opportunity to meet other people from around the world. We met people from India, Canada and Utah. I even gave one of our Interfaith stoles to a lovely gentleman from India. He loved all the symbols of faith on the stole and we had a wonderful and spiritual conversation.


What we are looking for is seeking us without impediments or restrictions.                     In New Thought, “We attract what we think about and focus on.”We were among 7,000 HIGH CONSCIOUS people attending the Parliament. Being in that Bubble of Oneness, we experienced demonstrations all the time. When we said, “I wonder if so and so is here?” the person showed up. Several of our friends (Rev. Jean Sweet, Sande Hart, Rev. Ahmondra McClendon) thought “I wonder if the Alberts are here” and then we showed up. The exhibition booths we were looking for, we found. Even though workshop rooms were being changed constantly, we eventually found the room we were looking for. We felt God’s guiding hand was there in and amongst everyone.We got lost several times and when we did, there was always a Parliament volunteer near by to steer us in the right direction.People and Things just came to us.


The best part for us was meeting new people and reconnecting with friends we hadn’t seen in years. Soul to Soul encounters.


Peace cannot happen until there is a consciousness of FORGIVENESS .We had to forgive the Parliament organizers, the McCormick Center planners, and the computers for breaking down.In general for PEACE to happen, we all need to weed out the areas of unforgiveness in our lives. Forgive the family member, friend, co-worker/or anyone who you feel “just doesn’t get it .”We cannot harbor hate and love at the same time. Forgiveness creates a loving heart where PEACE can abide.

This Parliament was not as smooth and well run as we expected, however we were able to maintain our peace of mind, happiness of heart and love for ALL human diversity!


Abigail and Steve



The Science of Mind magazine’s Daily Guides are written this month by                    Rev. Dr. David Ault, minister and musician. He said, “We may strive for dreams that do not serve our present heart… Ask yourself, ‘Am I pursuing something based on an old version of me?” What a wonderful question! We all have evolved in some way. Just by getting older we have more life experiences and stories to tell. However we know some people are stuck in their lives from years ago and we hear the same stories over and over again. We are meant to create new stories, new goals, new purposes because nothing stays the same, everything grows and changes. Perfect example is the caterpillar to butterfly.

The quote above is one to ponder everyday. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Nothing changes unless we change our minds about things, issues,
people, old patterns, old ways of thinking and doing things. Do you remember the story of a mother cooking a ham? She always cut it in half. One day her son or daughter asked, why do you always cut the ham in half? The mother said, ‘My mother did it this way and my grandmother…” Was it really necessary to cut it in half? If her pot was small that was a good decision. If it was large and could hold the hold ham, was it a
good decision? Is it time for this mother to renew her mind and ways of cooking?

We can look at our lives and see if our old patterns and ways of doing things are really helping us now. What does an old version of you look like? Does it
serve you now? My old version was a person who always let others come first and held back my opinion and thoughts. That did not serve me for long. My life
changed with a divorce, a new faith tradition that upheld the strength and power of women and I found a new purpose in ministry and met people who were uplifting.
I knew as I was shedding my old caterpillar version of me, I was about to fly on my own and be my own person, like the butterfly.

Where are you today? Are you living the life you want to live? Are you tethered in mind to a past that no longer serves you or you it?
Where would you like to be. What would you like to do? As Steve says in his book, “IGNORE the NO.” Nothing is Impossible with God and God is all there is!

Being ME and Loving It
Abigail and Steve



September 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

I was reading Joan Borysenko’s interview in the Sept./Oct. Unity Magazine. She was asked by Katy Koontz, “Are there (other) tools that help us come back to our
Higher Selves?” Her answer was simple and profound. Joan quoted
Rick Hanson Ph.D. author of Resilient…
“Every day beautiful things happen. The sun rises. A stranger smiles at you. A bud flowers. Your pet loves on you. If you stop and mindfully take in the good with
all your senses – the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations – and savor that for 15 seconds or so, your brain makes new neural networks that counter the negativity
bias.” Joan suggests “Look for those little moments of good each day, and before bed, choose one to rerun in all its glory, savoring it with all your senses.”

Those ideas are beautiful spiritual practices that we can do anywhere and anytime. I love thinking my brain is creating new neural networks when I spend time
in the morning hearing the the birds sing and watching the sun come up. I see beautiful cloud formations and birds flying together in a V formation to some
predestined place. As much as I love my morning spiritual practices, I can take this practice with me all day long. I can pay attention to a helpful clerk at a
store, a mom hugging her child, or watching a driver be kind and let another driver into the line. There is so much good we can see all the time. It just takes
being mindful and LOOKING for the GOOD.

In New Thought we know what we focus on manifests.
What do you want in your life?
Focus on it!

The GOOD, GOD is ALWAYS HERE and EVERYWHERE! Interesting the word GOOD has the same letters as GOD. GOOD is GOD stretched out…
Let us pay attention to all the GOOD in our lives. It is GOD stretching out our good. The more GOOD we see the more GOOD we get! Live life with joy
and enthusiasm. Enjoy all the ‘small’ moments where GOOD is blossoming. Watch the flowers grow and begin to bloom. Every part of the bloom from the
seed to the small stem peeking up through the earth is God’s Good. Our life is like that small bud. Every little delight has a way of blossoming into
something glorious. Let us keep our minds and heart on all the Good God has to offer us and always give Thanks!

Seeing Good,                                                                                                             Abigail and Steve



August 29, 2023

Dear Friends,

In San Diego we had a Hurricane come close to shore a couple weekends ago. After being at the Parliament in Chicago, it felt like we hit the ground running once home. We prepared for the wind and rain by taking action. We set down umbrellas, chairs and pushed outside furniture close to the wall below our balcony. We closed down our computers, turned off the TV and used minimal light. ACTIONS are important when facing a potential crisis. I use the term potential because everything is potential until our words and thoughts are clear about the outcome we want. What did we want? We wanted to remain safe, protected with all house and property undamaged.

Before we ACTED, we PRAYED and AFFIRMED:

There is only ONE Life, ONE Power, that Life and Power is God and that life and power is perfect and that life and power is my life now! I speak my word.

There is a Divine Ring of Protection around our house, our property, the tall trees and around our neighbors, family, friends and community. I see and know we are in God’s bubble of love and light securing us, protecting us and loving us…The Hurricane is diminishing…. and my prayer went on.

We do know many people were affected by the Hurricane, however it never did hit land so the potential damage was lessened! I believe our prayers were answered. We had rain, very little wind and no damage to our house or property.

Lesson here...prayers are always answered regardless of circumstance, or potential crisis. Many times the media blows everything out of proportion and creates fear and unnecessary stress. Yes, the hurricane came, and I believe my prayer and all those praying helped to “gentle-ize” the Hurricane. As Ernest Holmes said, “Treat (Prayer treatment) and move your feet!” Prayer and Action go hand in hand.

Remember the story of the man who stood on top of his house during a storm where rain was flooding the streets? He prayed to God to SAVE him. A boat came along and one of the people said, “Get on!” The man refused saying God would save him. Another bigger boat came along and the man refused help saying God would save him. A third and final boat came along and the water was raging now. It was his last chance to get on a boat. He said ‘no’ again. Well, he died in the raging waters. He met God in the afterlife, and asked “Why didn’t you save me God?” God said,” I gave you three chances and you refused.”(author unknown)

GOD works THROUGH each and every one of us. We must listen to the still small voice within and to each other. We are all channels of and for God.

For any challenge you have, it is a potential for great good, or not. YOUR WORDS create the outcome.




August 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

Last week we talked about living a life of vision, mission and purpose.
This week I would like to focus on the idea of VISION.
VISIONING is aligning in consciousness with our Divine Purpose, which is
to express a greater degree of LOVE in all our activities, missions and focuses. We open ourselves to catch a sense of how that expression of love is suppose
to occur through us. (Adapted from Dr. Kathy Hearn and Dr. Michael Beckwith)

There are times when you may not have a clear idea, or any idea what you want or need, or how to go about strategizing a goal. It is time
to release what you think you know and want, and allow the Greater Spirit within you to bring forth the answers, the ideas, the new concepts of what you need.

Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith conceived the amazing Agape International Center now in Beverly Hills, with the art of Visioning. He and his supportive friends
spent time at his home Visioning what Agape would and could be. They did not even know the name of the church/center before they started. ‘Agape’ means LOVE.
Now they have over 1900 people at each Sunday Service!

VISIONING is allowing Spirit within to come forth for your highest good. I like to think of it as letting go of the little “i” (what i think i want or i need)
and allowing the greater “I” (the Mighty I AM ‘I’) to come forth with greater good for my life. You and I as emanations of God have all the power and possibilities
at our fingertips, our mind, our heart and our consciousness. We sometimes forget there is a GREATER POWER FOR GOOD IN THE UNIVERSE and WE CAN USE IT
( Dr. Ernest Holmes).








Here are adapted questions from Dr. Michael’s Visioning Process. After each question spend some quiet time with eyes closed, ready and open to receive a new idea.
Write or draw whatever comes to you, whether is seems silly, unusual, unheard of or ridiculous. Do not judge. It helps to have at least one other person there to
Vision with you. Sometimes a group of people each catch part of the Highest Vision and once shared the totality will become amazing.

Set your Purpose.
Open with Prayer, Anchor in Love.
Open up your heart ready to receive.
ASK empowering questions.
•What is seeking to emerge now?
•What is the highest and best trying to happen?
•What is it I have to become?
•Where do I have to grow to stretch?
•What attitudes need to be reshaped?
•What do I have to release? (Like stepping on the ladder, got to let go of the lower rung)
•What talents and gifts do I have which will serve this vision?
•Do I feel centered and aligned with God when I vision this ideal?

I embrace my willingness
I say the Sacred YES.
I am Grateful
I describe it as already here! I Pray it in! I Down load the vision!

I AM ONE With the ONE,
I Am Serving My Highest Calling
The Vision will be GREATER than I can IMAGINE.

Not My Will , but Thy Will Be Done,
Abigail and Steve